Protein Family : Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 123745654

Method ID:  5271 Method Name:  Pentapetalae
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  79

79 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
29950.t000053 (1 of 249) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) R. communis v0.1 1014   29950: 292251-293264
30138.t000230 (1 of 451) PF13041 - PPR repeat family (PPR_2) R. communis v0.1 1828   30138: 1568194-1570021
30190.t000170 (1 of 249) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) R. communis v0.1 1829   30190: 777234-779062
Cucsa.002970 (1 of 185) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) C. sativus v1.0 2894   scaffold00034: 164548-167441
Cucsa.197810 (1 of 185) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) C. sativus v1.0 1430   scaffold01357: 1047111-1048540
orange1.1g042593m.g (1 of 187) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) C. sinensis v1.1 1291   scaffold01019: 30382-31672
orange1.1g012879m.g (1 of 187) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) C. sinensis v1.1 1365   scaffold03459: 7182-8546
AT1G09220 (1 of 185) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) A. thaliana TAIR10 1675   Chr1: 2977792-2979466
Thhalv10007397m.g (1 of 176) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) E. salsugineum v1.0 1533   scaffold_5: 12598205-12599737
Ciclev10023398m.g (1 of 186) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) C. clementina v1.0 1530   scaffold_3: 41035477-41037006
Ciclev10024329m.g (1 of 186) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) C. clementina v1.0 1143   scaffold_3: 41014773-41015915
Ciclev10020040m.g (1 of 186) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) C. clementina v1.0 1443   scaffold_3: 7367887-7369329
Ciclev10018352m.g (1 of 186) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) C. clementina v1.0 1392   scaffold_2: 13528034-13529425
Lus10003133.g (1 of 308) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) L. usitatissimum v1.0 1386   scaffold1847: 86078-87463
Lus10019350.g (1 of 65) PF01535//PF13041//PF13812 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) // Pentatricopeptide repeat domain (PPR_3) L. usitatissimum v1.0 1113   scaffold377: 709197-710309
Lus10011341.g (1 of 308) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) L. usitatissimum v1.0 1389   scaffold744: 61874-63262
Gorai.013G191900 (1 of 211) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) G. raimondii v2.1 1892   Chr13: 49284045-49285936
Thecc1EG026026 (1 of 191) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) T. cacao v1.1 1850   scaffold_5: 36130972-36132821
Migut.F00825 (1 of 50) PF01535//PF13041//PF13812 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) // Pentatricopeptide repeat domain (PPR_3) M. guttatus v2.0 1864   scaffold_6: 3999114-4000977
Araha.25474s0001 (1 of 160) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) A. halleri v1.1 5138   Scaffold25474: 669-5806
Cagra.4395s0108 (1 of 168) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) C. grandiflora v1.1 2053   Scaffold4395: 435754-437806
Glyma.13G001700 (1 of 330) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) G. max Wm82.a2.v1 5127   Chr13: 558429-563555
Glyma.15G228600 (1 of 330) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) G. max Wm82.a2.v1 4647   Chr15: 42693755-42698401
Glyma.03G001300 (1 of 330) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) G. max Wm82.a2.v1 4609   Chr03: 154459-159067
Glyma.19G090900 (1 of 57) PF01535//PF13041//PF13812 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) // Pentatricopeptide repeat domain (PPR_3) G. max Wm82.a2.v1 1277   Chr19: 32328260-32329536
Brara.H02832 (1 of 191) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) B. rapa FPsc v1.3 1608   A08: 22021366-22022973
Bostr.25219s0023 (1 of 182) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) B. stricta v1.2 1551   Scaffold25219: 91480-93030
Medtr3g005330 (1 of 492) PF01535 - PPR repeat (PPR) M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 2209   chr3: 154639-156847
Medtr4g023510 (1 of 210) PF01535//PF13041 - PPR repeat (PPR) // PPR repeat family (PPR_2) M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 2131   chr4: 7953334-7955464
Medtr4g084680 (1 of 599) PF13041 - PPR repeat family (PPR_2) M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 962   chr4: 33005878-33006839

79 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
Cucsa.002970.1 C. sativus v1.0 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Cucsa.197810.1 C. sativus v1.0 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
orange1.1g012879m C. sinensis v1.1 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
orange1.1g042593m C. sinensis v1.1 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
AT1G09220.1 A. thaliana TAIR10 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Ciclev10023398m C. clementina v1.0 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 4 5271 Pentapetalae
Lus10011341 L. usitatissimum v1.0 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 3 5271 Pentapetalae
Thecc1EG026026t1 T. cacao v1.1 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Migut.F00825.1.p M. guttatus v2.0 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Glyma.15G228600.1.p G. max Wm82.a2.v1 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 4 5271 Pentapetalae
Glyma.19G090900.1.p G. max Wm82.a2.v1 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 4 5271 Pentapetalae
Medtr3g005330.1 M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 4 5271 Pentapetalae
Medtr4g084680.1 M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 4 5271 Pentapetalae
Eucgr.H01117.1.p E. grandis v2.0 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Prupe.6G097400.1.p P. persica v2.1 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Prupe.5G195700.1.p P. persica v2.1 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Kalax.0658s0003.1.p K. laxiflora v1.1 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 5 5271 Pentapetalae
Kalax.0119s0036.1.p K. laxiflora v1.1 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 5 5271 Pentapetalae
Kalax.0745s0019.1.p K. laxiflora v1.1 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 5 5271 Pentapetalae
Kalax.1358s0004.1.p K. laxiflora v1.1 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 5 5271 Pentapetalae
Kalax.0016s0089.1.p K. laxiflora v1.1 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 5 5271 Pentapetalae
Tp57577_TGAC_v2_mRNA26374 T. pratense v2 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 3 5271 Pentapetalae
DCAR_023457 D. carota v2.0 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 4 5271 Pentapetalae
DCAR_019654 D. carota v2.0 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 4 5271 Pentapetalae
DCAR_021792 D. carota v2.0 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 4 5271 Pentapetalae
Solyc06g009620.1.1 S. lycopersicum ITAG2.4 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 1 5271 Pentapetalae
AUR62018394-RA C. quinoa v1.0 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 4 5271 Pentapetalae
AUR62003510-RA C. quinoa v1.0 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 4 5271 Pentapetalae
AUR62030264-RA C. quinoa v1.0 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 4 5271 Pentapetalae
Phvul.001G094000.1.p P. vulgaris v2.1 123745654 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae