Protein Family : Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 123743276

Method ID:  5271 Method Name:  Pentapetalae
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  61

61 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
29794.t000184 (1 of 1) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS // SUBFAMILY NOT NAMED R. communis v0.1 7478   29794: 1222996-1230473
Cucsa.310670 (1 of 1) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS C. sativus v1.0 6901   scaffold02995: 416092-422992
orange1.1g000234m.g (1 of 1) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS C. sinensis v1.1 8104   scaffold00005: 245682-253785
Thhalv10024206m.g (1 of 1) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS E. salsugineum v1.0 5932   scaffold_1: 3152455-3158386
Ciclev10007235m.g (1 of 1) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS C. clementina v1.0 9522   scaffold_1: 2611595-2621116
Lus10021959.g (1 of 2) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS L. usitatissimum v1.0 5249   scaffold164: 750405-755653
Lus10041252.g (1 of 2) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS L. usitatissimum v1.0 5356   scaffold280: 1621940-1627295
Gorai.001G045600 (1 of 2) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS G. raimondii v2.1 8141   Chr01: 4348556-4356696
Gorai.013G238100 (1 of 2) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS G. raimondii v2.1 6849   Chr13: 55588602-55595450
Thecc1EG038296 (1 of 1) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS // SUBFAMILY NOT NAMED T. cacao v1.1 8714   scaffold_9: 8277315-8286028
Migut.E01505 (1 of 2) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS M. guttatus v2.0 7583   scaffold_5: 17771191-17778773
Migut.A00268 (1 of 2) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS M. guttatus v2.0 7070   scaffold_1: 1314643-1321712
Araha.1435s0004 (1 of 1) PTHR12663:SF8 - ENHANCER OF POLYCOMB-LIKE TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR PROTEIN A. halleri v1.1 6265   Scaffold1435: 20196-26460
Cagra.2471s0052 (1 of 1) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS C. grandiflora v1.1 5996   Scaffold2471: 204019-210014
Glyma.14G129600 (1 of 4) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS G. max Wm82.a2.v1 7433   Chr14: 21919395-21926827
Glyma.14G129700 (1 of 4) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS G. max Wm82.a2.v1 6708   Chr14: 21929413-21936120
Glyma.17G204300 (1 of 4) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS G. max Wm82.a2.v1 6634   Chr17: 33083927-33090560
Glyma.17G204700 (1 of 4) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS G. max Wm82.a2.v1 6628   Chr17: 33236804-33243431
Brara.A00532 (1 of 1) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS B. rapa FPsc v1.3 5622   A01: 2609372-2614993
Bostr.7867s1112 (1 of 1) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS B. stricta v1.2 6215   Scaffold7867: 5645991-5652205
Medtr1g010290 (1 of 1) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 6850   chr1: 1888016-1894865
SapurV1A.0651s0130 (1 of 2) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS // SUBFAMILY NOT NAMED S. purpurea v1.0 8300   chr18: 3073808-3082107
SapurV1A.0043s0030 (1 of 2) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS // SUBFAMILY NOT NAMED S. purpurea v1.0 6383   chr06: 23517034-23523416
Eucgr.C01848 (1 of 6) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS E. grandis v2.0 3622   Chr03: 35862565-35866186
Eucgr.C01845 (1 of 6) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS E. grandis v2.0 3298   Chr03: 35925601-35928898
Eucgr.C01819 (1 of 6) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS E. grandis v2.0 5087   Chr03: 28159076-28164162
Eucgr.C01559 (1 of 6) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS E. grandis v2.0 4353   Chr03: 26868447-26872799
Eucgr.C01562 (1 of 6) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS E. grandis v2.0 2770   Chr03: 26689209-26691978
Eucgr.L00986 (1 of 6) PTHR13793//PTHR13793:SF94 - PHD FINGER PROTEINS E. grandis v2.0 3753   scaffold_82: 40174-43926

61 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
Cucsa.310670.1 C. sativus v1.0 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 1 5271 Pentapetalae
orange1.1g000234m C. sinensis v1.1 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Ciclev10007235m C. clementina v1.0 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Lus10021959 L. usitatissimum v1.0 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Gorai.013G238100.1 G. raimondii v2.1 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Migut.E01505.1.p M. guttatus v2.0 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Migut.A00268.1.p M. guttatus v2.0 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Glyma.17G204300.1.p G. max Wm82.a2.v1 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 4 5271 Pentapetalae
Glyma.14G129700.1.p G. max Wm82.a2.v1 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 4 5271 Pentapetalae
Eucgr.C01845.1.p E. grandis v2.0 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 6 5271 Pentapetalae
Eucgr.C01819.1.p E. grandis v2.0 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 6 5271 Pentapetalae
Eucgr.L00986.1.p E. grandis v2.0 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 6 5271 Pentapetalae
Manes.16G068600.1.p M. esculenta v6.1 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Kalax.0162s0038.1.p K. laxiflora v1.1 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 3 5271 Pentapetalae
Kaladp0032s0253.1.p K. fedtschenkoi v1.1 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
DCAR_007679 D. carota v2.0 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Solyc08g067920.2.1 S. lycopersicum ITAG2.4 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 1 5271 Pentapetalae
AUR62024831-RA C. quinoa v1.0 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
AUR62032386-RA C. quinoa v1.0 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Potri.018G034900.1.p P. trichocarpa v3.1 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Podel.18G035900.1.p P. deltoides WV94 v2.1 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Oeu027165.1 O. europaea v1.0 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 3 5271 Pentapetalae
VIT_204s0008g04370.1 V. vinifera v2.1 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 1 5271 Pentapetalae
MD15G1114600 M. domestica v1.1 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
HanXRQChr12g0381921 H. annuus r1.2 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 1 5271 Pentapetalae
29794.m003485 R. communis v0.1 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 1 5271 Pentapetalae
AT4G32620.2 A. thaliana TAIR10 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Thhalv10024206m E. salsugineum v1.0 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Lus10041252 L. usitatissimum v1.0 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Gorai.001G045600.1 G. raimondii v2.1 123743276 Enhancer of polycomb-like transcription factor protein 2 5271 Pentapetalae