Protein Family : Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 124068887

Method ID:  5270 Method Name:  Rosid
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  39

39 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
30003.t000015 (1 of 1) - Dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase R. communis v0.1 4550   30003: 91296-95845
Cucsa.165370 (1 of 1) KOG2977 - Glycosyltransferase C. sativus v1.0 4754   scaffold01153: 733035-737788
orange1.1g019818m.g (1 of 1) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE C. sinensis v1.1 3730   scaffold00024: 300414-304143
AT2G39630 (1 of 1) - Dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase A. thaliana TAIR10 2944   Chr2: 16521744-16524687
Thhalv10016901m.g (1 of 1) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE E. salsugineum v1.0 2623   scaffold_10: 10332234-10334856
Ciclev10032053m.g (1 of 1) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE C. clementina v1.0 3811   scaffold_4: 2537673-2541483
Lus10023414.g (1 of 4) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE L. usitatissimum v1.0 2074   scaffold1216: 83447-85520
Lus10001691.g (1 of 4) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE L. usitatissimum v1.0 2451   scaffold656: 10336-12786
Lus10040296.g (1 of 1) PF00535//PF04502 - Glycosyl transferase family 2 (Glycos_transf_2) // Family of unknown function (DUF572) (DUF572) L. usitatissimum v1.0 3495   scaffold86: 1221492-1224986
Gorai.009G319400 (1 of 2) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE G. raimondii v2.1 3785   Chr09: 30553374-30557158
Gorai.011G260700 (1 of 2) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE G. raimondii v2.1 3304   Chr11: 59158047-59161350
Thecc1EG042770 (1 of 1) - Dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase T. cacao v1.1 4130   scaffold_10r: 2200913-2205042
Araha.10736s0004 (1 of 1) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE A. halleri v1.1 2741   Scaffold10736: 9729-12469
Cagra.0716s0077 (1 of 1) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE C. grandiflora v1.1 3022   Scaffold716: 309374-312395
Glyma.18G291100 (1 of 2) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE G. max Wm82.a2.v1 4449   Chr18: 56987115-56991563
Glyma.02G091700 (1 of 2) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE G. max Wm82.a2.v1 4834   Chr02: 8123394-8128227
Brara.E00614 (1 of 2) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE B. rapa FPsc v1.3 2638   A05: 3445740-3448377
Brara.C02022 (1 of 2) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE B. rapa FPsc v1.3 2619   A03: 10048791-10051409
Bostr.23794s0112 (1 of 1) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE B. stricta v1.2 3541   Scaffold23794: 627037-630577
Medtr7g026260 (1 of 1) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 6246   chr7: 8698627-8704872
SapurV1A.0451s0200 (1 of 2) - Dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase S. purpurea v1.0 4407   chr08: 3492897-3497303
SapurV1A.0095s0140 (1 of 2) - Dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase S. purpurea v1.0 3934   chr10: 15960659-15964592
Eucgr.G02933 (1 of 1) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE E. grandis v2.0 4633   Chr07: 50536394-50541026
Prupe.2G235200 (1 of 1) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE P. persica v2.1 3061   Pp02: 25735786-25738846
Manes.07G116100 (1 of 2) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE M. esculenta v6.1 5634   Chromosome07: 24434903-24440536
Manes.10G030400 (1 of 2) PTHR10859:SF91 - DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE BETA-GLUCOSYLTRANSFERASE M. esculenta v6.1 4436   Chromosome10: 2597778-2602213
AL4G37040 (1 of 1) - Dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase A. lyrata v2.1 2703   scaffold_4: 19219220-19221922
Tp57577_TGAC_v2_gene1356 (1 of 1) K00729 - dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase (ALG5) T. pratense v2 6001   Tp57577_TGAC_v2_LG7: 7056467-7062467
Phvul.008G010800 (1 of 1) K00729 - dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase (ALG5) P. vulgaris v2.1 5191   Chr08: 942129-947319
Potri.008G055700 (1 of 2) - Dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase P. trichocarpa v3.1 4359   Chr08: 3294024-3298382

39 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
Ciclev10032053m C. clementina v1.0 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 1 5270 Rosid
Lus10001691 L. usitatissimum v1.0 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 3 5270 Rosid
Lus10040296 L. usitatissimum v1.0 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 3 5270 Rosid
Gorai.009G319400.1 G. raimondii v2.1 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 2 5270 Rosid
Thecc1EG042770t1 T. cacao v1.1 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 1 5270 Rosid
Cagra.0716s0077.1.p C. grandiflora v1.1 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 1 5270 Rosid
Glyma.18G291100.1.p G. max Wm82.a2.v1 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 2 5270 Rosid
Prupe.2G235200.1.p P. persica v2.1 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 1 5270 Rosid
Manes.10G030400.1.p M. esculenta v6.1 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 2 5270 Rosid
Potri.010G204000.1.p P. trichocarpa v3.1 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 2 5270 Rosid
Podel.08G069600.1.p P. deltoides WV94 v2.1 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 2 5270 Rosid
VIT_213s0019g01230.1 V. vinifera v2.1 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 1 5270 Rosid
Ca_22695 C. arietinum v1.0 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 1 5270 Rosid
gene26609-v2.0.a2-hybrid.t1 F. vesca v2.0.a2 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 1 5270 Rosid
30003.m000334 R. communis v0.1 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 1 5270 Rosid
Cucsa.165370.1 C. sativus v1.0 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 1 5270 Rosid
orange1.1g019818m C. sinensis v1.1 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 1 5270 Rosid
AT2G39630.1 A. thaliana TAIR10 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 1 5270 Rosid
Thhalv10016901m E. salsugineum v1.0 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 1 5270 Rosid
Lus10023414 L. usitatissimum v1.0 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 3 5270 Rosid
Gorai.011G260700.1 G. raimondii v2.1 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 2 5270 Rosid
Araha.10736s0004.1.p A. halleri v1.1 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 1 5270 Rosid
Glyma.02G091700.1.p G. max Wm82.a2.v1 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 2 5270 Rosid
Brara.C02022.1.p B. rapa FPsc v1.3 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 2 5270 Rosid
Brara.E00614.1.p B. rapa FPsc v1.3 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 2 5270 Rosid
Bostr.23794s0112.1.p B. stricta v1.2 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 1 5270 Rosid
Medtr7g026260.1 M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 1 5270 Rosid
SapurV1A.0451s0200.1.p S. purpurea v1.0 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 2 5270 Rosid
SapurV1A.0095s0140.1.p S. purpurea v1.0 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 2 5270 Rosid
Eucgr.G02933.1.p E. grandis v2.0 124068887 Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein 1 5270 Rosid