Protein Family : PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 124253184

Method ID:  5268 Method Name:  Malvidae
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  111

111 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
30065.t000012 conserved hypothetical protein R. communis v0.1 707   30065: 488181-488887
30152.t000037 conserved hypothetical protein R. communis v0.1 444   30152: 1343249-1343692
28331.t000008 conserved hypothetical protein R. communis v0.1 432   28331: 21008-21439
28752.t000010 (1 of 22) PF14244 - gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (UBN2_3) R. communis v0.1 1003   28752: 75339-76341
orange1.1g028119m.g (1 of 1) PTHR11439//PTHR11439:SF196 - GAG-POL-RELATED RETROTRANSPOSON C. sinensis v1.1 653   scaffold00141: 216850-217502
AT1G21280 (1 of 2) PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) A. thaliana TAIR10 974   Chr1: 7447490-7448463
Thhalv10027425m.g (1 of 17) PF14244 - gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (UBN2_3) E. salsugineum v1.0 720   scaffold_1: 14579309-14580028
Thhalv10017677m.g (1 of 17) PF14244 - gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (UBN2_3) E. salsugineum v1.0 408   scaffold_10: 2652192-2652599
Thhalv10017718m.g (1 of 17) PF14244 - gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (UBN2_3) E. salsugineum v1.0 788   scaffold_10: 4758984-4759771
Thhalv10002201m.g (1 of 17) PF14244 - gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (UBN2_3) E. salsugineum v1.0 441   scaffold_12: 9883676-9884116
Thhalv10003354m.g (1 of 17) PF14244 - gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (UBN2_3) E. salsugineum v1.0 1807   scaffold_17: 4031912-4033718
Thhalv10029155m.g (1 of 17) PF14244 - gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (UBN2_3) E. salsugineum v1.0 900   scaffold_3: 6727859-6728758
Thhalv10029485m.g (1 of 15) PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) E. salsugineum v1.0 591   scaffold_3: 13297343-13297933
Thhalv10002805m.g (1 of 6) PTHR11439//PTHR11439:SF185 - GAG-POL-RELATED RETROTRANSPOSON E. salsugineum v1.0 791   scaffold_4: 5990204-5990994
Thhalv10003107m.g (1 of 17) PF14244 - gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (UBN2_3) E. salsugineum v1.0 2121   scaffold_4: 11119405-11121525
Thhalv10003063m.g (1 of 6) PTHR11439//PTHR11439:SF185 - GAG-POL-RELATED RETROTRANSPOSON E. salsugineum v1.0 1006   scaffold_4: 8110073-8111078
Thhalv10009346m.g (1 of 15) PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) E. salsugineum v1.0 816   scaffold_5: 6329119-6329934
Thhalv10009460m.g (1 of 17) PF14244 - gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (UBN2_3) E. salsugineum v1.0 699   scaffold_5: 8084657-8085355
Thhalv10009474m.g (1 of 17) PF14244 - gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (UBN2_3) E. salsugineum v1.0 558   scaffold_5: 8095669-8096226
Thhalv10012212m.g (1 of 15) PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) E. salsugineum v1.0 480   scaffold_7: 13132886-13133365
Thhalv10023972m.g (1 of 17) PF14244 - gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (UBN2_3) E. salsugineum v1.0 594   scaffold_8: 4813153-4813746
Thhalv10019629m.g (1 of 15) PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) E. salsugineum v1.0 609   scaffold_9: 8278637-8279245
Ciclev10013723m.g (1 of 12) - RNA-directed DNA polymerase / Revertase C. clementina v1.0 940   scaffold_6: 2129507-2130446
Ciclev10003611m.g   C. clementina v1.0 366   scaffold_5: 27283418-27283783
Ciclev10024522m.g (1 of 24) PF14244 - gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (UBN2_3) C. clementina v1.0 738   scaffold_3: 24421500-24422237
Gorai.005G179300 (1 of 12) PF14244 - gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (UBN2_3) G. raimondii v2.1 3666   Chr05: 52576139-52579804
Gorai.009G327600 (1 of 12) PF14244 - gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (UBN2_3) G. raimondii v2.1 594   Chr09: 32923839-32924432
Thecc1EG002405 Uncharacterized protein (26%U) T. cacao v1.1 1871   scaffold_1: 13691410-13693280
Thecc1EG004883 (1 of 47) PF14244 - gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type (UBN2_3) T. cacao v1.1 1169   scaffold_1: 33930495-33931663
Thecc1EG010260 Uncharacterized protein T. cacao v1.1 1178   scaffold_2: 31998923-32000100

111 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
30152.m002416 R. communis v0.1 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 4 5268 Malvidae
orange1.1g028119m C. sinensis v1.1 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 1 5268 Malvidae
Thhalv10017677m E. salsugineum v1.0 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 16 5268 Malvidae
Thhalv10009474m E. salsugineum v1.0 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 16 5268 Malvidae
Thhalv10009460m E. salsugineum v1.0 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 16 5268 Malvidae
Thhalv10027425m E. salsugineum v1.0 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 16 5268 Malvidae
Thhalv10003107m E. salsugineum v1.0 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 16 5268 Malvidae
Thhalv10002805m E. salsugineum v1.0 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 16 5268 Malvidae
Thhalv10002201m E. salsugineum v1.0 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 16 5268 Malvidae
Ciclev10024522m C. clementina v1.0 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 3 5268 Malvidae
Thecc1EG004883t1 T. cacao v1.1 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 13 5268 Malvidae
Thecc1EG031460t1 T. cacao v1.1 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 13 5268 Malvidae
Thecc1EG015127t1 T. cacao v1.1 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 13 5268 Malvidae
Thecc1EG014138t1 T. cacao v1.1 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 13 5268 Malvidae
Thecc1EG033758t1 T. cacao v1.1 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 13 5268 Malvidae
Thecc1EG010428t1 T. cacao v1.1 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 13 5268 Malvidae
Bostr.27895s0081.1.p B. stricta v1.2 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 33 5268 Malvidae
Bostr.3148s0254.1.p B. stricta v1.2 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 33 5268 Malvidae
Bostr.2983s0182.1.p B. stricta v1.2 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 33 5268 Malvidae
Bostr.12302s0117.1.p B. stricta v1.2 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 33 5268 Malvidae
Bostr.26675s0018.1.p B. stricta v1.2 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 33 5268 Malvidae
Bostr.26959s0302.1.p B. stricta v1.2 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 33 5268 Malvidae
Bostr.26959s0315.1.p B. stricta v1.2 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 33 5268 Malvidae
Bostr.18351s0363.1.p B. stricta v1.2 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 33 5268 Malvidae
Bostr.2066s0001.1.p B. stricta v1.2 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 33 5268 Malvidae
SapurV1A.0401s0020.1.p S. purpurea v1.0 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 9 5268 Malvidae
SapurV1A.1031s0050.1.p S. purpurea v1.0 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 9 5268 Malvidae
SapurV1A.0191s0400.1.p S. purpurea v1.0 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 9 5268 Malvidae
Manes.09G033700.1.p M. esculenta v6.1 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 20 5268 Malvidae
Manes.16G115000.1.p M. esculenta v6.1 124253184 PF03732 - Retrotransposon gag protein (Retrotrans_gag) 20 5268 Malvidae