Protein Family : KOG0617 - Ras suppressor protein (contains leucine-rich repeats) 122314474

Method ID:  5265 Method Name:  Fabidae
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  14

14 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
Cucsa.102730   C. sativus v1.0 233   scaffold00927: 1699453-1699685
Glyma.05G099300   G. max Wm82.a2.v1 992   Chr05: 26298659-26299650
Glyma.17G166600   G. max Wm82.a2.v1 1074   Chr17: 15221015-15222088
Medtr4g095002   M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 573   chr4: 39482955-39483527
Prupe.6G228500   P. persica v2.1 1050   Pp06: 23234969-23236018
Prupe.1G429400   P. persica v2.1 471   Pp01: 36843896-36844366
Phvul.003G239800   P. vulgaris v2.1 661   Chr03: 47395602-47396262
MD15G1289400 Protein of unknown function M. domestica v1.1 480   Chr15: 26731407-26731886
MD15G1076000 Protein of unknown function M. domestica v1.1 264   Chr15: 5176871-5177134
MD02G1179300 Protein of unknown function M. domestica v1.1 615   Chr02: 15907997-15908611
Ca_09313   C. arietinum v1.0 366   Ca7: 11848649-11849014
gene24020-v1.0-hybrid   F. vesca v2.0.a2 886   Fvb1: 10367303-10368188
gene00194-v1.0-hybrid   F. vesca v2.0.a2 339   Fvb2: 24840062-24840400
gene09149-v1.0-hybrid   F. vesca v2.0.a2 591   Fvb2: 24933514-24934104

14 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
Cucsa.102730.1 C. sativus v1.0 122314474 KOG0617 - Ras suppressor protein (contains leucine-rich repeats) 1 5265 Fabidae
Glyma.17G166600.1.p G. max Wm82.a2.v1 122314474 KOG0617 - Ras suppressor protein (contains leucine-rich repeats) 2 5265 Fabidae
Glyma.05G099300.1.p G. max Wm82.a2.v1 122314474 KOG0617 - Ras suppressor protein (contains leucine-rich repeats) 2 5265 Fabidae
Prupe.6G228500.1.p P. persica v2.1 122314474 KOG0617 - Ras suppressor protein (contains leucine-rich repeats) 2 5265 Fabidae
Prupe.1G429400.1.p P. persica v2.1 122314474 KOG0617 - Ras suppressor protein (contains leucine-rich repeats) 2 5265 Fabidae
gene00194-v1.0-hybrid.t1 F. vesca v2.0.a2 122314474 KOG0617 - Ras suppressor protein (contains leucine-rich repeats) 3 5265 Fabidae
gene09149-v1.0-hybrid.t1 F. vesca v2.0.a2 122314474 KOG0617 - Ras suppressor protein (contains leucine-rich repeats) 3 5265 Fabidae
Medtr4g095002.1 M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 122314474 KOG0617 - Ras suppressor protein (contains leucine-rich repeats) 1 5265 Fabidae
Phvul.003G239800.1.p P. vulgaris v2.1 122314474 KOG0617 - Ras suppressor protein (contains leucine-rich repeats) 1 5265 Fabidae
MD02G1179300 M. domestica v1.1 122314474 KOG0617 - Ras suppressor protein (contains leucine-rich repeats) 3 5265 Fabidae
MD15G1076000 M. domestica v1.1 122314474 KOG0617 - Ras suppressor protein (contains leucine-rich repeats) 3 5265 Fabidae
MD15G1289400 M. domestica v1.1 122314474 KOG0617 - Ras suppressor protein (contains leucine-rich repeats) 3 5265 Fabidae
Ca_09313 C. arietinum v1.0 122314474 KOG0617 - Ras suppressor protein (contains leucine-rich repeats) 1 5265 Fabidae
gene24020-v1.0-hybrid.t1 F. vesca v2.0.a2 122314474 KOG0617 - Ras suppressor protein (contains leucine-rich repeats) 3 5265 Fabidae