Protein Domain : IPR027394

Type:  Domain Name:  Cytochrome-c3 hydrogenase, C-terminal
Description:  This entry represents the C-terminal domain of periplasmic [NiFe] hydrogenase small subunit, hydrogenase-1 small chain and uptake hydrogenase small subunit. Hydrogenases catalyse the reversible oxidation of molecular hydrogen and play a vital role in anaerobic metabolism. Metal-containing hydrogenases are subdivided into three classes: Fe ('iron only') hydrogenases; Ni-Fe hydrogenases; and Ni-Fe-Se hydrogenases []. Hydrogen oxidation is coupled to the reduction of electron acceptors (such as oxygen, nitrate, sulphate, carbon dioxide and fumarate), whereas proton reduction (hydrogen evolution) is essential in pyruvate fermentation or in the disposal of excess electrons.The Ni-Fe hydrogenases, when isolated, are found to catalyse both hydrogen evolution and uptake, with low-potential multihaem cytochromes, such as cytochrome c3, acting as either electron donors or acceptors, depending on their oxidation state. Both periplasmic (soluble) and membrane-bound hydrogenases are known.The Ni-Fe hydrogenases are heterodimeric proteins consisting of small (S) and large (L) subunits. The small subunit contains three iron-sulphur clusters (two [4Fe-4S] and one [3Fe-4S]); the large subunit contains a nickel ion []. Small subunits of membrane-bound Ni-Fe hydrogenases contain a C-terminal domain of about 40 residues that is absent in periplasmic forms. Short Name:  Cytochrome-c3_hydrogenase_C

0 Child Features

0 Contains

2 Cross Referencess


0 Found In

0 GO Annotation

0 Ontology Annotations

0 Parent Features

254 Proteins

DB identifier UniProt Accession Secondary Identifier Organism Name Length
29647.m001995 B9S3T5 PAC:16804640 Ricinus communis 72  
Lus10024106 PAC:23141449 Linum usitatissimum 191  
Thecc1EG025116t1 A0A061F5E8 PAC:27421463 Theobroma cacao 292  
Cre07.g350926.t1.1 A8IU77 PAC:30775345 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 168  
Traes_4BL_DCD5FA440.6 PAC:31867008 Triticum aestivum 513  
Traes_4DL_879C8557D.8 PAC:31737714 Triticum aestivum 340  
Traes_5AL_80CF1975F.3 PAC:31981513 Triticum aestivum 368  
Traes_5AL_80CF1975F.2 PAC:31981514 Triticum aestivum 368  
Traes_5AL_80CF1975F.1 PAC:31981512 Triticum aestivum 410  
Sphfalx0205s0021.1.p PAC:32627374 Sphagnum fallax 146  
Sevir.9G469100.3.p A0A4U6TI75 PAC:32650658 Setaria viridis 491  
Sevir.9G469100.1.p A0A4U6T8C7 PAC:32650655 Setaria viridis 696  
Sevir.9G469100.4.p A0A4U6T8C7 PAC:32650656 Setaria viridis 696  
Sevir.9G469100.2.p A0A4U6T8C7 PAC:32650657 Setaria viridis 696  
Seita.9G465600.1.p K4A6I7 PAC:32687640 Setaria italica 696  
Seita.9G465600.2.p A0A368ST18 PAC:32687642 Setaria italica 491  
Seita.9G465600.3.p K4A6I7 PAC:32687641 Setaria italica 696  
Bradi1g08415.1.p A0A2K2DIM9 PAC:32802656 Brachypodium distachyon 51  
Bradi1g21980.2.p I1GSJ0 PAC:32803475 Brachypodium distachyon 309  
Bradi1g67740.1.p I1H7B9 PAC:32795129 Brachypodium distachyon 676  
Pp3c18_19220V3.2.p A0A2K1J1L7 PAC:32981922 Physcomitrium patens 133  
Pp3c18_19220V3.1.p A0A2K1J1L7 PAC:32981921 Physcomitrium patens 133  
Pp3c21_6450V3.2.p A0A2K1IQW5 PAC:32914449 Physcomitrium patens 133  
Pp3c21_6450V3.1.p A0A2K1IQW5 PAC:32914448 Physcomitrium patens 133  
Pp3c23_170V3.1.p PAC:32950413 Physcomitrium patens 309  
Pp3c23_180V3.1.p PAC:32950924 Physcomitrium patens 309  
Aco028837.1 PAC:33050157 Ananas comosus 96  
LOC_Os03g15040.1 PAC:33127640 Oryza sativa 698  
LOC_Os03g15040.2 PAC:33127641 Oryza sativa 520  
LOC_Os08g38620.1 PAC:33106568 Oryza sativa 366  

2 Publications

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