Protein Domain : IPR018598

Type:  Domain Name:  Domain of unknown function DUF2027
Description:  This protein domain is of unknown function. though putatively involved in DNA mismatch repair. It is associated with . Short Name:  DUF2027

0 Child Features

0 Contains

3 Cross Referencess


0 Found In

0 GO Annotation

0 Ontology Annotations

0 Parent Features

46 Proteins

DB identifier UniProt Accession Secondary Identifier Organism Name Length
29851.m002450 B9RZC8 PAC:16811476 Ricinus communis 276  
Gorai.013G068100.1 A0A0D2W3I1 PAC:26786324 Gossypium raimondii 94  
Medtr5g071320.1 G7JZJ6 PAC:31089951 Medicago truncatula 91  
Eucgr.D01872.1.p A0A059CGH6 PAC:32051817 Eucalyptus grandis 181  
Eucgr.D01872.2.p A0A059CH47 PAC:32051818 Eucalyptus grandis 167  
Prupe.7G049200.2.p M5WSW0 PAC:32103049 Prunus persica 111  
Prupe.7G049200.1.p M5WR84 PAC:32103048 Prunus persica 150  
Manes.08G015000.1.p A0A2C9VCI7 PAC:32330988 Manihot esculenta 504  
AL307U10030.t1 PAC:35930159 Arabidopsis lyrata 607  
Oeu059757.1 PAC:37721785 Olea europaea 200  
Oeu028032.1 PAC:37715769 Olea europaea 589  
Oeu003644.1 PAC:37717463 Olea europaea 506  
Caamp.0303s0952.1.p PAC:39062781 Caulanthus amplexicaulis 460  
Thlar.0010s0115.1.p PAC:39509114 Thlaspi arvense 226  
Camar.0036s0027.1.p PAC:39653350 Cakile maritima 751  
Ibeam.1182s0004.1.p PAC:39759541 Iberis amara 94  
Stapi.0684s0031.1.p PAC:39849007 Stanleya pinnata 110  
Zm00001d044830_P001 K7W4Y3 PAC:40246209 Zea mays 232  
Dioal.14443s0002.1.p PAC:40953258 Dioscorea alata 211  
ZmPHJ40.09G007800.1.p K7W4Y3 PAC:41346199 Zea mays PHJ40 232  
Manes.08G015000.8.p PAC:41894993 Manihot esculenta 503  
Manes.08G015000.9.p PAC:41894994 Manihot esculenta 503  
Manes.08G015000.6.p PAC:41894990 Manihot esculenta 505  
Manes.08G015000.1.p A0A2C9VCI7 PAC:41894992 Manihot esculenta 504  
Manes.08G015000.7.p PAC:41894991 Manihot esculenta 505  
Manes.08G015000.4.p PAC:41894988 Manihot esculenta 505  
Manes.08G015000.5.p PAC:41894989 Manihot esculenta 505  
Manes.08G015000.2.p PAC:41894986 Manihot esculenta 505  
Manes.08G015000.3.p PAC:41894987 Manihot esculenta 505  
Manes.08G015000.16.p PAC:41895001 Manihot esculenta 476  

0 Publications