Protein Domain : IPR014445

Type:  Family Name:  Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase
Description:  This group represents the glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetases with the GAT domain from archaea, bacteria to humans. NAD+ is involved electron transport and redox reactions and in DNA ligation and protein ADP-ribosylation. In yeast and most other organisms, NAD is generated through the de novo pathway and the salvage pathway. In the de novo pathway, quinolinic acid is converted to nicotinic acid mononucleotide (NaMN). In the salvage pathway, NaMN is generated by recycling of nicotinamide. Both pathways converge on NaMN, which is then converted into deamido-NAD+. Subsequently, deamido-NAD+ is converted to NAD+ by NAD+ synthetase [].NAD+ synthetase has been extensively studied in bacteria. It is encoded by nadE gene in E. coli and by outB gene in B. subtilis []. However, these enzymes are ammonia-dependent (containing an ammonia-utilising domain) and are not included in this entry []. The pokaryotic proteins in this family, such as that from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, contain a nitrilase-related domain, are glutamine-dependent and are included in this entry []. Eukaryotic NAD+ synthetases are glutamine-dependent. In budding yeast, this enzyme is named as Qns1. It contains an N-terminal nitrilase-related domain (contaiing the nitrilase-related active-site residues) and a C-terminal NAD+ synthetase domain []. Both domains are required for its function in vivo. The nitrilase-related domain is the fourth independently evolved glutamine amidotransferase domain to have been identified in nature []. Short Name:  Gln-dep_NAD_synthase

0 Child Features

3 Contains

DB identifier Type Name
IPR014729 Domain Rossmann-like alpha/beta/alpha sandwich fold
IPR003010 Domain Carbon-nitrogen hydrolase
IPR022310 Domain NAD/GMP synthase

1 Cross References


0 Found In

3 GO Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0003952 IPR014445
GO:0005524 IPR014445
GO:0009435 IPR014445

3 Ontology Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0003952 IPR014445
GO:0005524 IPR014445
GO:0009435 IPR014445

1 Parent Features

DB identifier Type Name
IPR003694 Family NAD(+) synthetase

325 Proteins

DB identifier UniProt Accession Secondary Identifier Organism Name Length
30068.m002532 B9RYP7 PAC:16816540 Ricinus communis 665  
Lus10000200 PAC:23165870 Linum usitatissimum 408  
15714 I0YX22 PAC:27392470 Coccomyxa subellipsoidea C-169 743  
92688 C1EJM5 PAC:27402993 Micromonas sp RCC299 701  
57164 PAC:27397821 Micromonas sp RCC299 695  
Araha.10136s0002.1.p PAC:28854943 Arabidopsis halleri 689  
Glyma.05G219500.4.p A0A0R0JZN2 PAC:30527437 Glycine max 645  
Bostr.7128s0048.1.p PAC:30660584 Boechera stricta 398  
Cre10.g435250.t1.1 C4PG67 PAC:30790169 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 832  
Pp3c17_21910V3.2.p PAC:32905464 Physcomitrium patens 627  
Pp3c17_21910V3.4.p PAC:32905463 Physcomitrium patens 675  
Dusal.0003s00021.1.p PAC:33187520 Dunaliella salina 530  
Brdisv1Mon31010455m.p PAC:34302679 Brachypodium distachyon Mon3 481  
Brdisv1Mon31010456m.p PAC:34302678 Brachypodium distachyon Mon3 483  
Brdisv1ABR81004069m.p PAC:34575594 Brachypodium distachyon ABR8 411  
Brdisv1ABR81004070m.p PAC:34575593 Brachypodium distachyon ABR8 413  
Brdisv1Foz11004561m.p PAC:35032465 Brachypodium distachyon Foz1 483  
Brdisv1Foz11004560m.p PAC:35032466 Brachypodium distachyon Foz1 481  
Brdisv1ABR51004560m.p PAC:35608521 Brachypodium distachyon ABR5 481  
Brdisv1ABR51004561m.p PAC:35608520 Brachypodium distachyon ABR5 483  
AUR62029097-RA PAC:36323453 Chenopodium quinoa 734  
AUR62019884-RA PAC:36310521 Chenopodium quinoa 630  
AUR62015016-RA PAC:36318653 Chenopodium quinoa 749  
Phvul.002G328900.1.p V7CQX2 PAC:37178735 Phaseolus vulgaris 731  
Zm00008a008470_P01 A0A3L6FZY8 PAC:37206390 Zea mays PH207 732  
Potri.001G087400.1.p B9GL17 PAC:37274479 Populus trichocarpa 730  
Potri.003G143700.3.p B9GXU1 PAC:37238030 Populus trichocarpa 730  
Podel.03G155200.1.p PAC:37323786 Populus deltoides WV94 730  
Podel.01G090700.1.p PAC:37309404 Populus deltoides WV94 730  
Bol035174 PAC:37345759 Brassica oleracea capitata 725  

3 Publications

First Author Title Year Journal Volume Pages PubMed ID