Protein Domain : IPR002545

Type:  Domain Name:  CheW-like domain
Description:  The CheW-like domain is an around 150-residue domain that is found in proteins involved in the two-component signaling systems regulating bacterial chemotaxis. Two components systems are composed of a receptor kinase, whichmonitors the environmental conditions and its substrate, the response regulator, which acts as a binary switch depending on the phosphorylationstate. In Escherichia coli, the signal transduction pathway for chemotaxis consists of specialised membrane receptors, termed chemotaxis transducers; aCheA-CheY two-component system, which transmits the signal from transducers to flagellar motors; and a docking protein, CheW, which couples the CheAhistidine kinase to transducers. Whereas CheW is only made of a CheW-like domain, CheA additionally contains an HPt domain and anhistidine kinase domain. The CheW-like domain has been shown to mediate the interaction between CheA and the adaptor protein CheW. Somebacteria contain another bifunctional protein, CheV, consisting of an N- terminal CheW-like domain and a C-terminal response regulatory domain. Although its precise function in chemotaxis is unknown, CheVprobably acts in adaptation to attractants [, , , ].The CheW-like domain is composed of two beta-sheet subdomains, each of which forms a loose five-stranded beta-barrel around an internal hydrophobic core. The interactions between the subdomains are contributed by athird hydrophobic core sandwiched between the two beta-sheet subdomains. The CheW-like structure is stabilised by extensive hydrophobic interactions [, ]. Short Name:  CheW

0 Child Features

0 Contains

4 Cross Referencess


1 Found In

DB identifier Type Name
IPR014506 Family Uncharacterised conserved protein UCP020479, signal transduction CheW-like

3 GO Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0004871 IPR002545
GO:0006935 IPR002545
GO:0007165 IPR002545

3 Ontology Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0004871 IPR002545
GO:0006935 IPR002545
GO:0007165 IPR002545

0 Parent Features

36 Proteins

DB identifier UniProt Accession Secondary Identifier Organism Name Length
33234.m000026 B9TBX2 PAC:16825743 Ricinus communis 532  
45487.m000014 B9TNZ0 PAC:16827813 Ricinus communis 235  
AT3G46110.1 Q8GY65 PAC:19659649 Arabidopsis thaliana 343  
AT3G46110.2 F4J7X6 PAC:19659650 Arabidopsis thaliana 311  
Thhalv10021826m V4NRK6 PAC:20181428 Eutrema salsugineum 98  
Brara.C03209.1.p A0A398A0A7 PAC:30616459 Brassica rapa FPsc 98  
Traes_4DL_97723E76D.1 PAC:31957941 Triticum aestivum 89  
Traes_4DL_97723E76D.2 PAC:31957940 Triticum aestivum 89  
Pp3s70_180V3.1.p PAC:32963360 Physcomitrium patens 833  
Pp3c1_32830V3.1.p A0A2K1LAN5 PAC:32970701 Physcomitrium patens 141  
Brdisv1pangenome1006827m.p PAC:33656532 Brachypodium distachyon Pangenome 638  
Brdisv1pangenome1006727m.p PAC:33620527 Brachypodium distachyon Pangenome 266  
Brdisv1pangenome1009476m.p PAC:33655554 Brachypodium distachyon Pangenome 234  
Brdisv1BdTR11A1046557m.p PAC:35690082 Brachypodium distachyon BdTR11a 234  
Brdisv1BdTR11A1048906m.p PAC:35691159 Brachypodium distachyon BdTR11a 191  
Brdisv1BdTR11A1040088m.p PAC:35692338 Brachypodium distachyon BdTR11a 638  
Brdisv1BdTR11A1040694m.p PAC:35689525 Brachypodium distachyon BdTR11a 584  
AUR62025072-RA PAC:36309561 Chenopodium quinoa 221  
AUR62037147-RA PAC:36299108 Chenopodium quinoa 221  
AT3G46110.3 A0A1I9LLA9 PAC:37405401 Arabidopsis thaliana 279  
AT3G46110.1 Q8GY65 PAC:37405399 Arabidopsis thaliana 343  
AT3G46110.2 F4J7X6 PAC:37405400 Arabidopsis thaliana 311  
Caamp.0078s0656.1.p PAC:39073315 Caulanthus amplexicaulis 99  
Caamp.0214s0311.1.p PAC:39098364 Caulanthus amplexicaulis 98  
Isati.1816s0037.1.p PAC:39337928 Isatis tinctoria 150  
Isati.1816s0034.1.p PAC:39337925 Isatis tinctoria 137  
Isati.3852s0006.1.p PAC:39300949 Isatis tinctoria 150  
Sialb.2773s0004.1.p PAC:39551771 Sinapis alba 98  
Camar.1418s0003.1.p PAC:39639858 Cakile maritima 98  
Desop.0227s0204.1.p PAC:39674093 Descurainia sophioides 98  

4 Publications

First Author Title Year Journal Volume Pages PubMed ID