Protein Domain : IPR007178

Type:  Family Name:  Archaeal transcription elongation factor Spt4
Description:  DNA-directed RNA polymerases,also known as DNA-dependent RNA polymerases, are responsible for the polymerisation of ribonucleotides into a sequence complementary to the template DNA. Eukaryotes have three different DNA-directed RNA polymerases (RNAPs), Pol I, II, and III, whereas Archaea and Bacteria have single enzymes.RNAPs are multisubunit enzymes. Archaeal RNAP is closely related to eukaryotic RNAP II [], which consists of 12 subunits. Archaeal RNAP has an additional subunit, Rpo13, with no orthologue in the eukaryotic enzyme []. In Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, Spt4 (also known as RpoE2) is one of 13 subunits in the RNA polymerase. RpoE2 in Methanocaldococcus jannaschii (Methanococcus jannaschii) contains a predicted C4-type zinc finger at positions 4 to 19 and this sequence has been noted as a potential metal binding motif in S. acidocaldarius []. It is therefore possible that family members contain a C4 zinc finger. Short Name:  Spt4_arch

0 Child Features

0 Contains

2 Cross Referencess


0 Found In

1 GO Annotation

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0006355 IPR007178

1 Ontology Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0006355 IPR007178

0 Parent Features

9 Proteins

DB identifier UniProt Accession Secondary Identifier Organism Name Length
Gomus.A12G208100.1.p A0A5D2WWS3 PAC:42065428 Gossypium mustelinum 701  
Gomus.D12G221200.1.p A0A5D2SGP0 PAC:42057665 Gossypium mustelinum 677  
Gotom.A12G222900.2.p A0A5D2MZT9 PAC:42152391 Gossypium tomentosum 673  
Gotom.A12G222900.1.p A0A5D2N359 PAC:42152390 Gossypium tomentosum 683  
Gobar.A12G203600.1.p A0A5J5TCY1 PAC:42322907 Gossypium barbadense 705  
Gobar.D12G218900.1.p A0A5J5P1B6 PAC:42259683 Gossypium barbadense 485  
Gohir.A12G193800.1.p PAC:42439153 Gossypium hirsutum 683  
Godar.D12G230400.1.p A0A5D2ABA7 PAC:42503646 Gossypium darwinii 677  
Godar.A12G222500.1.p A0A5D2ECE9 PAC:42558804 Gossypium darwinii 705  

3 Publications

First Author Title Year Journal Volume Pages PubMed ID