Protein Domain : IPR008016

Type:  Family Name:  Head-tail connector Gp10
Description:  This entry represents the upper collar protein (also known as head-tail connector protein or late protein Gp10) from various bacteriophage. The upper collar protein of Bacteriophage phi-29is composed of twelve 36 kDa subunits with 12-fold symmetry. It consists of two domains: an alpha-helical bundle domain and a beta-barrel domain. This protein is located between the head and the tail of the bacteriophage and acts as the central component of a rotary motor that packages the genomic dsDNA into pre-formed proheads. This motor consists of the upper collar protein, surrounded by a 29-encoded, 174-base, RNA and a viral ATPase protein []. Short Name:  Gp10

0 Child Features

0 Contains

3 Cross Referencess


0 Found In

0 GO Annotation

0 Ontology Annotations

0 Parent Features

18 Proteins

DB identifier UniProt Accession Secondary Identifier Organism Name Length
evm_27.model.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00048.126 U5D2I4 PAC:31555594 Amborella trichopoda 294  
Brdisv1Luc11014844m.p PAC:34176962 Brachypodium distachyon Luc1 80  
Brdisv1Bd1-11013226m.p PAC:34258276 Brachypodium distachyon Bd1-1 80  
Brdisv1ABR81013033m.p PAC:34559408 Brachypodium distachyon ABR8 80  
Pavir.5NG123900.4.p PAC:37576999 Panicum virgatum 168  
Pavir.5NG123900.1.p PAC:37576997 Panicum virgatum 168  
Pavir.5NG123900.3.p PAC:37576998 Panicum virgatum 168  
Oeu009147.1 PAC:37703324 Olea europaea 616  
HORVU3Hr1G006330.2 PAC:38396197 Hordeum vulgare 125  
HORVU3Hr1G006330.1 PAC:38396196 Hordeum vulgare 173  
Thint.21G0680400.1.p PAC:40896320 Thinopyrum intermedium 348  
Thint.09G0052800.1.p PAC:40823610 Thinopyrum intermedium 168  
Pavir.5NG123900.5.p PAC:41592289 Panicum virgatum 183  
VuSanzi.04G089300.1.p PAC:43254887 Vigna unguiculata Sanzi 71  
ELECO.r07.UnG0720520.1 PAC:44192822 Eleusine coracana 365  
CiLak.02G147700.1.p PAC:44285812 Carya illinoinensis Lakota 667  
Thupl.29381423s0001.1.p PAC:44944720 Thuja plicata 184  
maker-Fvb1-4-augustus-gene-5.62-mRNA-1 PAC:50556480 Fragaria x ananassa 316  

1 Publications

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