Protein Domain : IPR017200

Type:  Family Name:  Coenzyme PQQ synthesis protein E
Description:  This entry represents coenzyme PQQ biosynthesis protein E, which is a prototypical peptide-cyclising radical SAM enzyme. It links a Tyr to a Glu as the first step in the biosynthesis of pyrrolo-quinoline-quinone (coenzyme PQQ) from the precursor peptide PqqA. PQQ is required for some glucose dehydrogenases and alcohol dehydrogenases. Short Name:  PqqE

15 Child Features

DB identifier Type Name
IPR011843 Family Coenzyme PQQ biosynthesis protein E, bacteria
IPR026344 Family SynChlorMet cassette radical SAM/SPASM protein ScmE
IPR026346 Family SynChlorMet cassette radical SAM/SPASM protein ScmF
IPR026404 Family Radical SAM enzyme, rSAM/lipoprotein system
IPR026482 Family Nif11-class peptide radical SAM maturase 3
IPR023913 Family Mycofactocin, radical SAM peptide maturase
IPR023930 Family Putative heme d1 biosynthesis protein, NirJ1
IPR023992 Family Heme D1 biosynthesis, radical SAM protein NirJ
IPR027570 Family GeoRSP system radical SAM/SPASM protein
IPR027583 Family Radical SAM/SPASM domain protein, ACGX system
IPR027626 Family Pseudo-rSAM protein/SPASM domain protein
IPR027633 Family Putative heme D1 biosynthesis radical SAM protein NirJ2
IPR027634 Family Radical SAM protein, BA_1875 family
IPR030894 Family 12,18-didecarboxysiroheme deacetylase
IPR030896 Family Heme b synthase

1 Contains

DB identifier Type Name
IPR006638 Domain Elongator protein 3/MiaB/NifB

1 Cross References


0 Found In

0 GO Annotation

0 Ontology Annotations

0 Parent Features

0 Proteins

0 Publications