Protein Domain : IPR017678

Type:  Family Name:  CoB--CoM heterodisulphide reductase, subunit B
Description:  This entry represents subunit B (HdrB) from CoB--CoM heterodisulphide reductase (or heterodisulphide reductase; Hdr; ), an iron-sulphur protein found in methanogenic archaea []. Hdr catalyses the reversible reduction of the heterodisulphide (CoM-S-S-CoB) to the thiol-coenzymes: coenzyme M (H-S-CoM) and coenzyme B (H-S-CoB). Hdr is composed of three subunits: hdrA (subunit A), hdrB (subunit B) and hdrC (subunit C). Hdr forms a complex with the F420-non-reducing hydrogenase (Mvh), which provides the reducing equivalents to the heterodisulphide reductase.All processes in methanogenesis lead to the formation of a mixed disulphide bond between coenzyme-M and coenzyme-B, by a reaction in which coenzyme B reduces methyl-CoM, leading to formation of methane and a CoB-CoM heterodisulphide []. There are two different systems that are capable of reducing the CoB-CoM heterodisulphide, using either H2 or a reduced cofactor F420 as electron donors [].HdrB may have a function in energy transduction. Some archaea species have two copies, HdrB1 and HdrB2. Short Name:  CoB/CoM_hetero-S_Rdtase_bsu

0 Child Features

1 Contains

DB identifier Type Name
IPR004017 Domain Cysteine-rich domain

1 Cross References


0 Found In

4 GO Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0051912 IPR017678
GO:0015948 IPR017678
GO:0051186 IPR017678
GO:0055114 IPR017678

4 Ontology Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0051912 IPR017678
GO:0015948 IPR017678
GO:0051186 IPR017678
GO:0055114 IPR017678

0 Parent Features

0 Proteins

3 Publications

First Author Title Year Journal Volume Pages PubMed ID