Protein Domain : IPR028426

Type:  Family Name:  Huntingtin family
Description:  The huntingtin family consists of huntingtin proteins, including Dictyostelium HD protein homologue. Abnormalities in the huntingtin protein (Htt) are associated with Huntington's disease [], but despite its importance the function of Htt is largely unknown. In Dictyostelium discoideum Htt is required for normal chemotaxis and cytokinesis []. Short Name:  Huntingtin_fam

1 Child Features

DB identifier Type Name
IPR000091 Family Huntingtin

0 Contains

1 Cross References


0 Found In

0 GO Annotation

0 Ontology Annotations

0 Parent Features

0 Proteins

2 Publications

First Author Title Year Journal Volume Pages PubMed ID