Protein Domain : IPR013359

Type:  Family Name:  Pilus formation type IVB, outer membrane PilN
Description:  Several related protein families encode outer membrane pore proteins for type II secretion, type III secretion, and type IV pilus formation. Proteins in this entry appear to be secretins for pilus formation, although they are quite different from PilQ. Members include the PilN lipoprotein of the plasmid R64 thin pilus, a type IV pilus. Some proteins may be examples of bundle-forming pilus B (bfpB). Short Name:  Pilus_4B_PilN

0 Child Features

1 Contains

DB identifier Type Name
IPR011514 Domain Secretin, N-terminal

1 Cross References


0 Found In

0 GO Annotation

0 Ontology Annotations

1 Parent Features

DB identifier Type Name
IPR004846 Family Type II/III secretion system

0 Proteins

0 Publications