Protein Domain : IPR015113

Type:  Domain Name:  Staphostatin B
Description:  Staphostatin B inhibits the cysteine protease Staphopain B, produced by Staphylococcus aureus, by blocking the active site of the enzyme. This domain adopts an eight-stranded mixed beta-barrel structure, with a deviation from the up-down topology of canonical beta-barrels in the amino-terminal part of the molecule []. Short Name:  Staphostatin_B

0 Child Features

1 Contains

DB identifier Type Name
IPR014728 Domain Staphostatin A/B

1 Cross References


0 Found In

0 GO Annotation

0 Ontology Annotations

1 Parent Features

DB identifier Type Name
IPR014728 Domain Staphostatin A/B

0 Proteins

1 Publications

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