Protein Domain : IPR020003

Type:  Active_site Name:  ATPase, alpha/beta subunit, nucleotide-binding domain, active site
Description:  This entry represents the alpha and beta subunits found in the F1, V1, and A1 complexes of F-, V- and A-ATPases, respectively (sometimes called the A and B subunits in V- and A-ATPases), as well as flagellar ATPase and the termination factor Rho. This entry represents a 10 amino acid signature. The signature pattern contains two conserved serines. The first serine seems to be important for catalysis - in the ATPase alpha-chain at least - as its mutagenesis causes catalytic impairment. Short Name:  ATPase_a/bsu_AS

0 Child Features

0 Contains

1 Cross References


14 Found Ins

DB identifier Type Name
IPR005725 Family ATPase, V1 complex, subunit A
IPR005723 Family ATPase, V1 complex, subunit B
IPR000194 Domain ATPase, F1/V1/A1 complex, alpha/beta subunit, nucleotide-binding domain
IPR005722 Family ATPase, F1 complex, beta subunit
IPR005294 Family ATPase, F1 complex, alpha subunit
IPR005714 Family ATPase, type III secretion system, FliI/YscN
IPR020005 Family Flagellar export ATPase FliI, clade 1
IPR005724 Family ATPase, A1 complex, beta subunit
IPR005726 Family ATP synthase alpha chain, archaea
IPR013380 Family ATPase, type III secretion system, H+-transporting
IPR017691 Family ATP synthase subunit beta, bacterial and archaeal
IPR017710 Family Alternate F1F0 ATPase, F1 subunit alpha
IPR022425 Family Flagellar export ATPase FliI, clade 2
IPR022426 Family Flagellum-specific ATP synthase FliI, clade 3

1 GO Annotation

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0005524 IPR020003

1 Ontology Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0005524 IPR020003

0 Parent Features

0 Proteins

0 Publications