Protein Domain : IPR000036

Type:  Family Name:  Peptidase A26, omptin
Description:  Aspartic endopeptidases of vertebrate, fungal and retroviral origin have been characterised []. More recently, aspartic endopeptidases associated with the processing of bacterial type 4 prepilin [] and archaean preflagellin have been described [, ].Structurally, aspartic endopeptidases are bilobal enzymes, each lobe contributing a catalytic Asp residue, with an extended active site cleft localised between the two lobes of the molecule. One lobe has probably evolved from the other through a gene duplication event in the distant past. In modern-day enzymes, although the three-dimensional structures are very similar, the amino acid sequences are more divergent, except for the catalytic site motif, which is very conserved. The presence and position of disulphide bridges are other conserved features of aspartic peptidases. All or most aspartate peptidases are endopeptidases. These enzymes have been assigned into clans (proteins which are evolutionary related), and further sub-divided into families, largely on the basis of their tertiary structure.This group of aspartic peptidases belongs to the MEROPS family A26 (clan AF). The omptin family, comprises a number of novel outer membrane-associated serine proteases that are distinct from trypsin-like proteases in that they cleave polypeptides between two basically-charged amino acids []. The enzyme is sensitive to the serine protease inhibitor diisopropylfluoro-phosphate, to divalent cations such as Cu2+, Zn2+and Fe2+[], and istemperature regulated, activity decreasing at lower temperatures [, ]. Temperature regulation is most prominently shown in the Yersinia pestiscoagulase/fibrinolysin protein, where coagulase activity is prevalent below 30 degrees Celsius, and fibrinolysin (protease) activity is prevalentabove this point, the optimum temperature being 37 degrees []. It is possible that this assists in 'flea blockage' and transmission of the bacteria to animals [].The Escherichia coliOmpT has previously been classified as a serine protease with Ser(99) and His(212) as active site residues. The X-ray structure of the enzyme is inconsistent with this classification, and the involvement of a nucleophilic water molecule that is activated by the Asp(210)/His(212) catalytic dyad classifies this as a aspartic endopeptidase where activity is also strongly dependent on Asp(83) and Asp(85). Both may function in binding of the water molecule and/or oxyanion stabilisation. The proposed mechanism implies a novel proteolytic catalytic site [, ]. Short Name:  Peptidase_A26_omptin

0 Child Features

1 Contains

DB identifier Type Name
IPR020079 Conserved_site Peptidase A26, omptin, conserved site

3 Cross Referencess


0 Found In

3 GO Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0004175 IPR000036
GO:0006508 IPR000036
GO:0009279 IPR000036

3 Ontology Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0004175 IPR000036
GO:0006508 IPR000036
GO:0009279 IPR000036

0 Parent Features

0 Proteins

9 Publications

First Author Title Year Journal Volume Pages PubMed ID