Protein Domain : IPR000516

Type:  Family Name:  Nickel-dependent hydrogenase b-type cytochrome subunit
Description:  Bacterial membrane-bound nickel-dependent hydrogenases [, , ] seem to be associated with a b-type cytochrome involved in electron transfer from hydrogen to oxygen. This cytochrome is a protein of about 28 kDa that seems to have four transmembrane regions, which include several histidine residues that may be involved in coordination of the haem iron group. The gene coding for this cytochrome is adjacent to that coding for the large subunit of the hydrogenase. It has been assigned a variety of names in different species: hupC, hyaC, hydC or hoxZ.Every genome which contains a member of this family posesses a Ni/Fe hydrogenase according to Genome Properties (), and most are gene clustered with other hydrogenase components. Some Ni/Fe hydrogenase-containing species lack a member of this family but contain other CytB homologues, which may substitute for it. Short Name:  Ni-dep_Hydgase_cyt-B

0 Child Features

1 Contains

DB identifier Type Name
IPR011577 Domain Cytochrome b561, bacterial/Ni-hydrogenase

4 Cross Referencess


0 Found In

4 GO Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0005506 IPR000516
GO:0009055 IPR000516
GO:0006810 IPR000516
GO:0016020 IPR000516

4 Ontology Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0005506 IPR000516
GO:0009055 IPR000516
GO:0006810 IPR000516
GO:0016020 IPR000516

0 Parent Features

0 Proteins

3 Publications

First Author Title Year Journal Volume Pages PubMed ID