Protein Domain : IPR000647

Type:  Family Name:  CTF transcription factor/nuclear factor 1
Description:  Nuclear factor I (NF-I) or CCAAT box-binding transcription factor (CTF) [, ] (also known as TGGCA-binding proteins) are a family of vertebrate nuclear proteins which recognise and bind, as dimers, the palindromic DNA sequence 5'-TGGCANNNTGCCA-3'. CTF/NF-I binding sites are present in viral and cellular promoters and in the origin of DNA replication of Human adenovirus 2(HAdV-2). The CTF/NF-I proteins were first identified as nuclear factor I, a collection of proteins that activate the replication of several Adenovirus serotypes (together with NF-II and NF-III) []. The family of proteins was also identified as the CTF transcription factors, before the NFI and CTF families were found to be identical []. The CTF/NF-I proteins are individually capable of activating transcription and DNA replication. In a given species, there are a large number of different CTF/NF-I proteins, generated both by alternativesplicing and by the occurrence of four different genes. CTF/NF-1 proteins contain 400 to 600 amino acids. The N-terminal 200 amino-acid sequence, almost perfectly conserved in all species and genes sequenced, mediates site-specific DNA recognition, protein dimerisation and Adenovirus DNA replication. The C-terminal 100 amino acids contain the transcriptional activation domain. This activation domain is the target of gene expression regulatory pathways elicited by growth factors and it interacts with basal transcription factorsand with histone H3 []. Short Name:  CTF/NFI

0 Child Features

4 Contains

DB identifier Type Name
IPR003619 Domain MAD homology 1, Dwarfin-type
IPR019548 Domain CTF transcription factor/nuclear factor 1, N-terminal
IPR019739 Conserved_site CTF transcription factor/nuclear factor 1, conserved site
IPR020604 Domain CTF transcription factor/nuclear factor 1, DNA-binding domain

2 Cross Referencess


0 Found In

4 GO Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0003700 IPR000647
GO:0006260 IPR000647
GO:0006355 IPR000647
GO:0005634 IPR000647

4 Ontology Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0003700 IPR000647
GO:0006260 IPR000647
GO:0006355 IPR000647
GO:0005634 IPR000647

0 Parent Features

0 Proteins

5 Publications

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