Protein Domain : IPR000645

Type:  Conserved_site Name:  Type II secretion system protein N, conserved site
Description:  The secretion pathway (GSP) for the export of proteins (also called the type II pathway) [] requires a number of protein components. One of them is known as the 'N' protein and has been sequencedin a variety of bacteria such as Aeromonas hydrophila(gene exeN); Erwinia carotovora(gene outN); Klebsiella pneumoniae(gene pulN); or Vibrio cholerae(gene epsN). The size of the 'N' protein is around 250 amino acids. It apparently contains a single transmembrane domain located in the N-terminal section. The short N-terminal domain ispredicted to be cytoplasmic and the large C-terminal domain periplasmic. This entry represents a conserved site found towards the N terminus of bacterial type II secretion system protein N. Short Name:  T2SS_protein-N_CS

0 Child Features

0 Contains

1 Cross References


1 Found In

DB identifier Type Name
IPR022792 Family Type II secretion system, protein N

3 GO Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0008565 IPR000645
GO:0015628 IPR000645
GO:0015627 IPR000645

3 Ontology Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0008565 IPR000645
GO:0015628 IPR000645
GO:0015627 IPR000645

0 Parent Features

0 Proteins

1 Publications

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