Protein Domain : IPR024662

Type:  Family Name:  TRAPP II complex, Trs65
Description:  This family is one of the subunits of the TRAPP Golgi trafficking complex []. TRAPP subunits are found in two different sized complexes, TRAPP I and TRAPP II. While both complexes contain the same seven subunits, Bet3p, Bet5p, Trs20p, Trs23p, Trs31p, Trs33p and Trs85p, with TRAPPC human equivalents, TRAPP II has the additional three subunits ,Trs65p, Trs120p and Trs130p []. While it has been implicated in cell wall biogenesis and stress response, the role of Trs65 in TRAPP II is supported by the findings that the protein co-localises with Trs130p, and deletion of TRS65 in yeast leads to a conditional lethal phenotype if either one of the other TRAPP II-specific subunits is modified []. Furthermore, the trs65 mutant has reduced Ypt31/32p guanine nucleotide exchange, GEF, activity [].Trs65 is also known as killer toxin-resistance protein 11. Short Name:  TRAPP_II_complex_Trs65

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