Protein Domain : IPR017731

Type:  Family Name:  Type VI secretion system, IcmF
Description:  Type VI secretion system (T6SS) appears to be confined to Proteobacteria. It is important for bacterial pathogenesis, but it is also found in non-pathogenic bacteria, suggesting that T6SS involvement is not limited to virulence []. T6SS was identified in Vibrio cholerae [] and Pseudomonas aeruginosa [], and exports Hcp (Haemolysin-Coregulated Protein) and a class of proteins named Vgr (Val-Gly Repeats), whose exact function is still speculative. In addition to Vgr and Hcp proteins, T6SS is characterised by the presence of an AAA+ Clp-like ATPase and of two additional genes icmF and dotU, encoding homologues of T4SS stabilising proteins []. Proteins in this entry are IcmF homologues. IcmF is thought to be an inner membrane protein and a component of the T6SS apparatus []. Short Name:  T6SS_IcmF

0 Child Features

2 Contains

DB identifier Type Name
IPR010623 Domain Type VI secretion system IcmF, C-terminal
IPR009612 Domain ImcF-related

1 Cross References


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0 Proteins

5 Publications

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