Protein Domain : IPR019093

Type:  Domain Name:  Rac1-binding domain
Description:  The Rac1-binding domain is the C-terminal portion of YpkA from Yersinia. It is an all-helical molecule consisting of two distinct subdomains connected by a linker. The N-terminal end of this domain (residues 434-615) consists of six helices organised into two three-helix bundles packed against each other. This region is involved with binding to GTPases. The C-terminal end (residues 705-732) is a novel and elongated fold consisting of four helices clustered into two pairs, and this fold carries the helix implicated in actin activation. The Rac1-binding domain mimics host guanidine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors (GDIs) of the Rho GTPases, thereby inhibiting nucleotide exchange in Rac1 and causing cytoskeletal disruption in the host []. Short Name:  Rac1-binding_domain

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DB identifier Type Name
IPR003547 Family Serine/threonine protein kinase, yersinia-type

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0 Proteins

1 Publications

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