Protein Domain : IPR020586

Type:  Conserved_site Name:  Photosystem I PsaA/PsaB, conserved site
Description:  Photosystem I (PSI) [] is an integral membrane protein complex that uses light energy to mediate electron transfer from plastocyanin to ferredoxin. PSI is found in the chloroplast of plants and cyanobacteria. The electron transfer components of the reaction centre of PSI are a primary electron donor P-700 (chlorophyll dimer) and five electron acceptors: A0 (chlorophyll), A1 (a phylloquinone) and three 4Fe-4S iron-sulphur centres: Fx, Fa, and Fb.PsaA and psaB, two closely related proteins, are involved in the binding of P700, A0, A1, and Fx. psaA and psaB are both integral membrane proteins of 730 to 750 amino acids that seem to contain 11 transmembrane segments. The Fx 4Fe-4S iron-sulphur centre is bound by four cysteines; two of these cysteines are provided by the psaA protein and the two others by psaB. The two cysteines in both proteins are proximal and located in a loop between the ninth and tenth transmembrane segments. A leucine zipper motif seems to be present [] downstream of the cysteines and could contribute to dimerisation of psaA/psaB.This entry represents a conserved region that includes the two iron-sulphur binding cysteines. Short Name:  PSI_PsaA/B_CS

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3 Found Ins

DB identifier Type Name
IPR006244 Family Photosystem I PsaB
IPR001280 Family Photosystem I PsaA/PsaB
IPR006243 Family Photosystem I PsaA

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0 Proteins

2 Publications

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