Protein Domain : IPR013374

Type:  Family Name:  ATPase, type IV, pilus assembly, PilB
Description:  This model describes a protein involved in type IV pilus biogenesis designated PilB in Pseudomonas aeruginosabut PilF in Neisseria gonorrhoeae; the more common usage, reflected here, is PilB. This protein is an ATPase involved in protein export for pilin assembly, and is closely related to GspE () of type II secretion systems (also referred to as the main terminal branch of the general secretion pathway). Note that type IV pilus systems are often divided into type IV-A and IV-B, with the latter group including bundle-forming pilus, mannose-sensitive haemagglutinin, etc. Members of this family are found in type IV-A systems. Short Name:  ATPase_typ4_pilus-assembl_PilB

0 Child Features

2 Contains

DB identifier Type Name
IPR001482 Domain Type II secretion system protein E
IPR007831 Domain General secretory system II, protein E, N-terminal

1 Cross References


0 Found In

3 GO Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0005524 IPR013374
GO:0008565 IPR013374
GO:0009297 IPR013374

3 Ontology Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0005524 IPR013374
GO:0008565 IPR013374
GO:0009297 IPR013374

0 Parent Features

0 Proteins

0 Publications