Protein Domain : IPR007878

Type:  Family Name:  Coronavirus NS2A
Description:  This entry is represented by Coronavirus non-structural protein 2A (32kDa); it is a family of uncharacterised viral proteins. Members have a phosphoesterase module (2H) [] and are predicted to be involved in RNA modification. The viral group of 2H phosphoesterases contains proteins from two unrelated virus types: the type C rotaviruses (VP3 protein, ) that are double stranded multipartite RNA viruses and the coronaviruses (NS2 protein, this group) that are positive strand RNA viruses. Given that these viruses have vertebrate hosts, it is likely that the 2H phosphoesterase domain was derived from the host by one of virus groups followed by rapid sequence divergence []. Subsequently, it may have been exchanged between the viral families. Although the direction of the exchange is not clear, it is possible that a double stranded replicative form of a subgenomic RNA transcript of the coronavirus NS2 was stabilised by a rotavirus and incorporated into its multiple double stranded RNA genome []. These proteins can be utilised as novel drug targets because of their predicted RNA modification role. Short Name:  Coronavirus_NS2A

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