Protein Domain : IPR019870

Type:  Family Name:  Selenium metabolism protein YedF
Description:  Members of this protein family are about 200 amino acids in size, and include the uncharacterised YedF protein of Escherichia coli. This family shares an N-terminal domain, modelled by , with the sulphurtransferase TusA (also called SirA). The C-terminal domain includes a typical redox-active disulphide motif, CGXC. This protein family found only among those genomes that also carry the selenium donor protein SelD, and its connection to selenium metabolism is indicated by the method of partial phylogenetic profiling [] vs. SelD. Its gene is typically found next to selD. Members of this family are found even when selenocysteine and selenouridine biosynthesis pathways are, except for SelD, completely absent, as in Enterococcus faecalis. Its role in selenium metabolism is unclear, but may include either detoxification or a role in labile selenoprotein biosynthesis. Short Name:  Se_metab_YedF

0 Child Features

2 Contains

DB identifier Type Name
IPR001455 Domain TusA-like domain
IPR003787 Domain Sulphur relay, DsrE/F-like protein

1 Cross References


0 Found In

0 GO Annotation

0 Ontology Annotations

0 Parent Features

0 Proteins

1 Publications

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