Protein Domain : IPR030470

Type:  Conserved_site Name:  UbiA prenyltransferase conserved site
Description:  The following prenyltransferases are evolutionary related [, ]:Bacterial 4-hydroxybenzoate octaprenyltransferase (gene ubiA).Yeast mitochondrial para-hydroxybenzoate--polyprenyltransferase (gene COQ2).Protoheme IX farnesyltransferase (heme O synthase) from yeast and mammals (gene COX10) and from bacteria (genes cyoE or ctaB).These proteins probably contain seven transmembrane segments. The best conserved region is located in a loop between the second and third of thesesegments. It is represented by this entry. Short Name:  UbiA_prenylTrfase_CS

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