Protein Domain : IPR025370

Type:  Domain Name:  Transcriptional regulator SgrR, N-terminal HTH domain
Description:  Small, non-coding RNA molecules play important regulatory roles in a variety of physiological processes in bacteria. This entry represents the N-terminal domain of the SgrR family of proteins which regulate the transcription of these sRNAs, in particular SgrS. This domain contains a helix-turn-helix motif characteristic of winged-helix DNA-binding transcriptional regulators. SgrS is a small RNA required for recovery from glucose-phosphate stress in bacteria []. In examining the regulation of SgrR expression it was found that SgrR negatively auto-regulates its own transcription in the presence and absence of stress, and thus SgrR coordinates the response to glucose-phosphate stress by binding specifically to sgrS promoter DNA []. Short Name:  SgrR_HTH_N

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