Protein Domain : IPR001639

Type:  Family Name:  Type II secretion system protein C
Description:  The general (type II) secretion pathway (GSP) within Gram-negative bacteria is a signal sequence-dependent process responsible for protein export [, , ]. The process has two stages: exoproteins are first translocated across the inner membrane by the general signal-dependent export pathway (GEP), and then across the outer membrane by a species-specific accessory mechanism.A number of molecules are involved in the GSP; one of these is known as the 'C' protein, the most probable location of which is the inner membrane []. This suggests that protein C is part of the GEP apparatus, aiding trans-location of exoproteins from the cytoplasm to the periplasm, prior to transport across the outer membrane. The size of the 'C' protein is around 270 to 300 amino acids. It apparently contains a single transmembrane domain located in the N-terminal section. The short N-terminal domain is predicted to be cytoplasmic and the large C-terminal domain periplasmic.The gene encoding the 'C' protein has been sequenced in a variety of bacteria such as Aeromonas (exeC); Erwinia (outC); Escherichia coli(yheE or gspC); Klebsiella pneumoniae(pulC); or Vibrio cholerae(epsC). Short Name:  T2SS_protein-C

0 Child Features

0 Contains

3 Cross Referencess


0 Found In

3 GO Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0008565 IPR001639
GO:0015628 IPR001639
GO:0015627 IPR001639

3 Ontology Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0008565 IPR001639
GO:0015628 IPR001639
GO:0015627 IPR001639

0 Parent Features

0 Proteins

4 Publications

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