Protein Domain : IPR021076

Type:  Domain Name:  Parvovirus non-structural protein 1, N-terminal
Description:  Parvoviruses are some of the smallest viruses containing linear, non-segmented single-stranded DNA genomes, with an average genome size of 5000 nucleotides. Parvoviruses have been described that infect a wide range of invertebrates and vertebrates and are well known for causing enteric disease in mammals. Genomes contains two large ORFs: NS1 and VP1; other ORFs are found in some sub-types and different gene products can arise from splice variants and the use of different start codons []. This entry represents a domain of the parvovirus non-capsid protein 1. It is found immediately N-terminal to the helicase domain and its function is unknown. Parvoviral NS1 regulates host gene expression through histone acetylation []. Short Name:  Parvovirus_NS1_N

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