Protein Domain : IPR018288

Type:  Family Name:  F420-dehydrogenase, subunit FpoO
Description:  This entry represents the FpoO subunit of membrane-bound multi-subunit F420H2 dehydrogenase, which oxidises the reduced coenzyme F420H2 to coenzyme F420 and feeds the electrons via an FeS cluster into an energy-conserving electron transport chain [, ]. This enzyme plays a role in the methanogenic pathway in methanogenic archaea. Reduced coenzyme F420H2 is the major cytoplasmic electron carrier of methanogens and a reversible hydride donor, much like NADH []. F420H2 + COB-S-S-CoM = F420 + CoM-SH + CoB-SHWhere CoB-S-S-CoM (the heterosulphide of 2-mercaptoethanesulphonate and 7-mercaptoheptanoylthreonine phosphate) is the terminal electron acceptor of the methanogenic pathway, and is reduced with the concomitant generation of a transmembrane proton potential and ATP synthesis. The FpoO subunit of F420H2 dehydrogenase probably participates in the reduction of methanophenazine, where it acts as a special mechanism for the reduction of the methanogenic cofactor []. Short Name:  F420H2-DH_FpoO

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