GO Term : GO:0045107 intermediate filament polymerization GO

Namespace:  biological_process Obsolete:  false
description  Assembly of intermediate filaments by the addition of component monomers to a filament. Polymerization of intermediate filament proteins results from interactions among several distinct binding sites on the constituent proteins. Nuclear lamin head-to-tail polymers arise from one such interaction. Deletion analysis localized the binding sites to the ends of the rod domain that are highly conserved among all intermediate filament proteins. Data indicate that one type of interaction in intermediate filament protein polymerization is the longitudinal binding of dimers via the conserved end segments of the coiled-coil rod domain.

0 Cross References

0 Data Sets

1 Ontology


0 Ontology Annotations

23 Parents

Identifier Name Description
GO:0051258 protein polymerization The process of creating protein polymers, compounds composed of a large number of component monomers; polymeric proteins may be made up of different or identical monomers. Polymerization occurs by the addition of extra monomers to an existing poly- or oligomeric protein.
GO:0007010 cytoskeleton organization A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of cytoskeletal structures.
GO:0006461 protein complex assembly The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form a protein complex.
GO:0016043 cellular component organization A process that results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a cellular component.
GO:0009987 cellular process Any process that is carried out at the cellular level, but not necessarily restricted to a single cell. For example, cell communication occurs among more than one cell, but occurs at the cellular level.
GO:0006996 organelle organization A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of an organelle within a cell. An organelle is an organized structure of distinctive morphology and function. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton. Excludes the plasma membrane.
GO:0065003 macromolecular complex assembly The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of macromolecules to form a complex.
GO:0044763 single-organism cellular process Any process that is carried out at the cellular level, occurring within a single organism.
GO:0044699 single-organism process A biological process that involves only one organism.
GO:0071840 cellular component organization or biogenesis A process that results in the biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a cellular component.
GO:1902589 single-organism organelle organization An organelle organization which involves only one organism.
GO:0008150 biological_process Any process specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units: cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. A process is a collection of molecular events with a defined beginning and end.
GO:0071822 protein complex subunit organization Any process in which macromolecules aggregate, disaggregate, or are modified, resulting in the formation, disassembly, or alteration of a protein complex.
GO:0043933 macromolecular complex subunit organization Any process in which macromolecules aggregate, disaggregate, or are modified, resulting in the formation, disassembly, or alteration of a macromolecular complex.
GO:0022607 cellular component assembly The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a cellular component.
GO:0034622 cellular macromolecular complex assembly The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of macromolecules to form a complex, carried out at the cellular level.
GO:0044085 cellular component biogenesis A process that results in the biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, assembly, and arrangement of constituent parts of a cellular component. Includes biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, and those macromolecular modifications that are involved in synthesis or assembly of the cellular component.
GO:0043623 cellular protein complex assembly The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form a protein complex, occurring at the level of an individual cell.
GO:0070271 protein complex biogenesis A cellular process that results in the biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, assembly, and arrangement of constituent parts of a protein complex. Includes the synthesis of non-protein components, and those protein modifications that are involved in synthesis or assembly of the complex.
GO:0045107 intermediate filament polymerization Assembly of intermediate filaments by the addition of component monomers to a filament. Polymerization of intermediate filament proteins results from interactions among several distinct binding sites on the constituent proteins. Nuclear lamin head-to-tail polymers arise from one such interaction. Deletion analysis localized the binding sites to the ends of the rod domain that are highly conserved among all intermediate filament proteins. Data indicate that one type of interaction in intermediate filament protein polymerization is the longitudinal binding of dimers via the conserved end segments of the coiled-coil rod domain.
GO:0045103 intermediate filament-based process Any cellular process that depends upon or alters the intermediate filament cytoskeleton, that part of the cytoskeleton comprising intermediate filaments and their associated proteins.
GO:0045104 intermediate filament cytoskeleton organization A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of cytoskeletal structures comprising intermediate filaments and their associated proteins.
GO:0045105 intermediate filament polymerization or depolymerization Assembly or disassembly of intermediate filaments by the addition or removal of component parts from a filament.

34 Relations

Parent Term . Identifier

Child Term . Identifier
regulates GO:0045107 GO:0030839
regulates GO:0045107 GO:0030839
negatively regulates GO:0045107 GO:0030840
negatively regulates GO:0045107 GO:0030840
regulates GO:0045107 GO:0030840
positively regulates GO:0045107 GO:0030841
positively regulates GO:0045107 GO:0030841
regulates GO:0045107 GO:0030841
is_a GO:0051258 GO:0045107
is_a GO:0045105 GO:0045107
part of GO:0008150 GO:0045107
is_a GO:0009987 GO:0045107
is_a GO:0034622 GO:0045107
part of GO:0007010 GO:0045107
part of GO:0016043 GO:0045107
is_a GO:0071840 GO:0045107
part of GO:0071840 GO:0045107
is_a GO:0016043 GO:0045107
is_a GO:0022607 GO:0045107
is_a GO:0043933 GO:0045107
part of GO:0070271 GO:0045107
is_a GO:0008150 GO:0045107
part of GO:0044085 GO:0045107
is_a GO:0071822 GO:0045107
is_a GO:0043623 GO:0045107
is_a GO:0006461 GO:0045107
part of GO:0045103 GO:0045107
part of GO:0045104 GO:0045107
part of GO:0044763 GO:0045107
part of GO:1902589 GO:0045107

0 Synonyms