Protein Domain : IPR005204

Type:  Domain Name:  Hemocyanin, N-terminal
Description:  Crustacean and cheliceratan hemocyanins (oxygen-transport proteins) and insect hexamerins (storage proteins) are homologous gene products, although the latter do not bind oxygen [].Haemocyanins are found in the haemolymph of many invertebrates. They are divided into 2 main groups, arthropodan and molluscan. These have structurally similar oxygen-binding centres, which are similar to the oxygen-binding centre of tyrosinases, but their quaternary structures are arranged differently. The arthropodan proteins exist as hexamers comprising 3 heterogeneous subunits (a, b and c) and possess 1 oxygen-binding centre per subunit; and the molluscan proteins exist as cylindrical oligomers of 10 to 20 subunits and possess 7 or 8 oxygen-binding centres per subunit []. Although the proteins have similar amino acid compositions, the only real similarity in their primary sequences is in the region corresponding to the second copper-binding domain, which also shows similarity to the copper-binding domain of tyrosinases. Hexamerins are proteins from the hemolymph of insects, which may serve as a store of amino acids for synthesis of adult proteins. They do not possess the copper-binding histidines present in hemocyanins []. This entry represents the N-terminal domain of hemocyanin and hexamerin proteins. Short Name:  Hemocyanin_N

0 Child Features

0 Contains

3 Cross Referencess


0 Found In

0 GO Annotation

0 Ontology Annotations

0 Parent Features

65 Proteins

DB identifier UniProt Accession Secondary Identifier Organism Name Length
421817 D8SGG3 PAC:15418810 Selaginella moellendorffii 1646  
Lus10014564 PAC:23170894 Linum usitatissimum 1123  
Gorai.010G192900.1 A0A0D2SVP0 PAC:26756388 Gossypium raimondii 586  
Gorai.010G192900.2 A0A0D2RAE0 PAC:26756389 Gossypium raimondii 576  
Medtr2g091105.1 A0A072VCR1 PAC:31068243 Medicago truncatula 688  
SapurV1A.1147s0020.1.p PAC:31419714 Salix purpurea 406  
SapurV1A.1490s0040.1.p PAC:31399172 Salix purpurea 378  
SapurV1A.3911s0010.1.p PAC:31424330 Salix purpurea 379  
Tp57577_TGAC_v2_mRNA8636 PAC:35965446 Trifolium pratense 840  
Tp57577_TGAC_v2_mRNA12000 PAC:35957260 Trifolium pratense 282  
AUR62012729-RA PAC:36299637 Chenopodium quinoa 398  
Oeu025319.1 PAC:37732533 Olea europaea 225  
Oeu054589.1 PAC:37735408 Olea europaea 281  
Oeu061955.1 PAC:37699966 Olea europaea 421  
Oeu041681.1 PAC:37727653 Olea europaea 561  
evm.model.Scaffold_588.289 PAC:37872743 Coffea arabica 150  
Gohir.D06G165400.1.p PAC:38102543 Gossypium hirsutum 576  
AH012799-RA PAC:38174131 Amaranthus hypochondriacus 839  
Alyli.0098s0002.1.p PAC:39177732 Alyssum linifolium 204  
Lesat.0132s0039.1.p PAC:39470670 Lepidium sativum 214  
Stapi.4864s0002.1.p PAC:39834079 Stanleya pinnata 157  
Stapi.0299s0005.1.p PAC:39863880 Stanleya pinnata 179  
Stapi.0349s0011.1.p PAC:39856628 Stanleya pinnata 393  
Ca_02079 PAC:40153901 Cicer arietinum 419  
Ca_02488 PAC:40152147 Cicer arietinum 529  
Misin05G216100.1.p PAC:40436856 Miscanthus sinensis 183  
evm.model.AsparagusV1_05.819 A0A5P1EQ64 PAC:40525375 Asparagus officinalis 141  
Dioal.0900s0018.1.p PAC:40948802 Dioscorea alata 337  
Cocit.E1396.2.p PAC:41032881 Corymbia citriodora 287  
Glyma.11G109500.1.p K7LP44 PAC:41131702 Glycine max 960  

2 Publications

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