Protein Domain : IPR003830

Type:  Family Name:  (2R)-phospho-3-sulpholactate synthase, ComA
Description:  Methanogenic archaea produce methane via the anaerobic reduction of acetate or single carbon compounds []. Coenzyme M (CoM; 2-mercaptoethanesulphonic acid) serves as the terminal methyl carrier for this process. Previously thought to be unique to methanogenic archaea, CoM has also been found in methylotrophic bacteria.Biosynthesis of CoM begins with the Michael addition of sulphite to phosphoenolpyruvate, forming 2-phospho-3-sulpholactate (PSL). This reaction is catalyzed by members of this family, PSL synthase (ComA) []. Subsequently, PSL is dephosphorylated by phosphosulpholactate phosphatase (ComB) to form 3-sulpholactate [], which is then converted to 3-sulphopyruvate by L-sulpholactate dehydrogenase (ComC; ) []. Sulphopyruvate decarboxylase (ComDE; ) converts 3-sulphopyruvate to sulphoacetaldehyde []. Reductive thiolation of sulphoacetaldehyde is the final step. Short Name:  ComA_synth

1 Child Features

DB identifier Type Name
IPR022370 Family Phosphosulpholactate synthase

0 Contains

2 Cross Referencess


0 Found In

1 GO Annotation

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0019295 IPR003830

1 Ontology Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0019295 IPR003830

0 Parent Features

437 Proteins

DB identifier UniProt Accession Secondary Identifier Organism Name Length
4184 D8SYU6 PAC:15413682 Selaginella moellendorffii 225  
evm.model.supercontig_81.5 PAC:16426965 Carica papaya 287  
29842.m003689 B9RXV7 PAC:16810820 Ricinus communis 277  
Cucsa.086370.1 A0A0A0LUX3 PAC:16956767 Cucumis sativus 286  
orange1.1g029925m A0A067GAH7 PAC:18114187 Citrus sinensis 185  
orange1.1g030024m A0A067G7M2 PAC:18114188 Citrus sinensis 184  
orange1.1g022296m A0A067GAH3 PAC:18114181 Citrus sinensis 299  
orange1.1g022982m A0A067GJW8 PAC:18114182 Citrus sinensis 289  
orange1.1g025344m A0A067GJM1 PAC:18114183 Citrus sinensis 254  
orange1.1g026320m A0A067GJM8 PAC:18114185 Citrus sinensis 240  
orange1.1g026363m A0A067GJM8 PAC:18114184 Citrus sinensis 240  
orange1.1g028948m A0A067G7Q8 PAC:18114186 Citrus sinensis 201  
AT4G21320.1 Q8GWL1 PAC:19644337 Arabidopsis thaliana 286  
Thhalv10025914m V4MFH8 PAC:20193740 Eutrema salsugineum 286  
Ciclev10016144m V4U8U1 PAC:20816183 Citrus clementina 289  
Ciclev10016476m V4TPD9 PAC:20816184 Citrus clementina 240  
Lus10007625 PAC:23140321 Linum usitatissimum 676  
Lus10018387 PAC:23162148 Linum usitatissimum 290  
Potri.004G031100.1 PAC:26991837 Populus trichocarpa 116  
Potri.011G031600.3 PAC:27001095 Populus trichocarpa 178  
Potri.011G031600.1 B9HYU2 PAC:27001093 Populus trichocarpa 291  
Potri.011G031600.2 PAC:27001094 Populus trichocarpa 241  
Gorai.011G019000.1 A0A0D2UMQ7 PAC:26809781 Gossypium raimondii 287  
Gorai.011G019000.3 A0A0D2VGY0 PAC:26809782 Gossypium raimondii 286  
Gorai.011G019000.2 A0A0D2UMQ7 PAC:26809780 Gossypium raimondii 287  
Thecc1EG030074t1 A0A061GG45 PAC:27439033 Theobroma cacao 329  
Migut.M01261.1.p A0A022QGK7 PAC:28949506 Mimulus guttatus 286  
Araha.13949s0005.1.p PAC:28863542 Arabidopsis halleri 286  
Cagra.1062s0006.1.p PAC:28908851 Capsella grandiflora 286  
Glyma.07G186900.1.p I1KLA4 PAC:30494453 Glycine max 264  

5 Publications

First Author Title Year Journal Volume Pages PubMed ID