Protein : Kalax.0547s0018.1.p K. laxiflora v1.1

Secondary Identifier:  PAC:32557728 Organism Name:  Kalanchoe laxiflora
Length:  433   Name:  Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
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Ontology Annotation Displayer

Protein Family Displayer

Protein Feature Displayer


7 Protein Domains

DB identifier Type Name
IPR013765 Family DNA recombination and repair protein RecA
IPR027417 Domain P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase
IPR003593 Domain AAA+ ATPase domain
IPR020588 Domain DNA recombination and repair protein RecA-like, ATP-binding domain
IPR013632 Domain DNA recombination and repair protein Rad51, C-terminal
IPR020587 Domain DNA recombination and repair protein RecA, monomer-monomer interface
IPR023400 Domain DNA recombination and repair protein RecA, C-terminal


1 CDSs

DB identifier Length Chromosome Location
Organism . Name
Kalax.0547s0018.1_CDS 1302   scaffold_547: 194724-197555 Kalanchoe laxiflora

29 Ontology Annotations

Ontology Term Db Gene/Protein Name
GO:0003677 GO Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
G3DSA: GENE3D Kalax.0547s0018.1.p ENZYME Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
IPR013632 InterPro Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
IPR003593 InterPro Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
GO:0009432 GO Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
GO:0008094 GO Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
GO:0006281 GO Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
GO:0006259 GO Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
GO:0005524 GO Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
GO:0003697 GO Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
KOG1433 KOG Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
K03553 KEGG Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
IPR027417 InterPro Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
IPR023400 InterPro Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
IPR020588 InterPro Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
IPR020587 InterPro Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
IPR013765 InterPro Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
SSF52540 SSF Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
SM00382 SMART Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
PS50163 PROFILE Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
PS50162 PROFILE Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
PR00142 PRINTS Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
PF08423 PFAM Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
PTHR22942:SF1 PANTHER Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
PTHR22942 PANTHER Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
TIGR02012 TIGRFAMs Kalax.0547s0018.1.p
SSF54752 SSF Kalax.0547s0018.1.p

0 Pathway Components

0 Pathways