Protein Domain : IPR024176

Type:  Family Name:  Citrate synthase, bacterial-type
Description:  Citrate synthase is a member of a small family of enzymes that can directly form a carbon-carbon bond without the presence of metal ion cofactors. It catalyses the first reaction in the Krebs' cycle, namely the conversion of oxaloacetate and acetyl-coenzyme A into citrate and coenzyme A. This reaction is important for energy generation and for carbon assimilation. The reaction proceeds via a non-covalently bound citryl-coenzyme A intermediate in a 2-step process (aldol-Claisen condensation followed by the hydrolysis of citryl-CoA). Citrate synthase enzymes are found in two distinct structural types: type I enzymes (found in eukaryotes, Gram-positive bacteria and archaea) form homodimers and have shorter sequences than type II enzymes, which are found in Gram-negative bacteria and are hexameric in structure. In both types, the monomer is composed of two domains: a large alpha-helical domain consisting of two structural repeats, where the second repeat is interrupted by a small alpha-helical domain. The cleft between these domains forms the active site, where both citrate and acetyl-coenzyme A bind. The enzyme undergoes a conformational change upon binding of the oxaloacetate ligand, whereby the active site cleft closes over in order to form the acetyl-CoA binding site []. The energy required for domain closure comes from the interaction of the enzyme with the substrate. Type II enzymes possess an extra N-terminal beta-sheet domain, and some type II enzymes are allosterically inhibited by NADH [].This entry represents types I and II citrate synthase enzymes, as well as the related enzymes 2-methylcitrate synthase. 2-methylcitrate () synthase catalyses the conversion of oxaloacetate and propanoyl-CoA into (2R,3S)-2-hydroxybutane-1,2,3-tricarboxylate and coenzyme A. This enzyme is induced during bacterial growth on propionate, while type II hexameric citrate synthase is constitutive []. This entry contains citrate synthases from bacteria and some eukaryotic (peroxisomal). Short Name:  Citrate_synthase_bac-typ

2 Child Features

DB identifier Type Name
IPR010953 Family Citrate synthase, type I
IPR011278 Family 2-methylcitrate synthase/citrate synthase type I

0 Contains

1 Cross References


0 Found In

0 GO Annotation

0 Ontology Annotations

1 Parent Features

DB identifier Type Name
IPR002020 Family Citrate synthase

68 Proteins

DB identifier UniProt Accession Secondary Identifier Organism Name Length
93920 D8RHR6 PAC:15402696 Selaginella moellendorffii 435  
AT3G58740.1 Q9LXS7 PAC:19663589 Arabidopsis thaliana 480  
96682 C1FJA6 PAC:27399579 Micromonas sp RCC299 383  
Araha.5970s0003.1.p PAC:28858873 Arabidopsis halleri 480  
Mapoly0111s0039.1.p A0A2R6WCB2 PAC:33009468 Marchantia polymorpha 484  
Brdisv1Tek-41027305m.p PAC:33489937 Brachypodium distachyon Tek-4 466  
Brdisv1pangenome1005606m.p PAC:33658598 Brachypodium distachyon Pangenome 421  
Brdisv1pangenome1007005m.p PAC:33624313 Brachypodium distachyon Pangenome 426  
Brdisv1BdTR11A1029454m.p PAC:35679403 Brachypodium distachyon BdTR11a 421  
AL5G40510.t1 PAC:35918836 Arabidopsis lyrata 480  
Tp57577_TGAC_v2_mRNA14015 PAC:35984343 Trifolium pratense 464  
Bol004957 A0A3P6CM95 PAC:37341044 Brassica oleracea capitata 470  
Bol044479 PAC:37375540 Brassica oleracea capitata 470  
AT3G58740.1 Q9LXS7 PAC:37410917 Arabidopsis thaliana 480  
Anaoc.0014s0184.4.p PAC:37546830 Anacardium occidentale 372  
Anaoc.0014s0184.3.p PAC:37546831 Anacardium occidentale 372  
HORVU5Hr1G099820.2 PAC:38458924 Hordeum vulgare 375  
Caamp.0023s0236.1.p PAC:39079055 Caulanthus amplexicaulis 479  
Myper.0057s0992.1.p PAC:39116648 Myagrum perfoliatum 479  
Alyli.0050s0054.1.p PAC:39188118 Alyssum linifolium 484  
Roisl.0026s0012.1.p PAC:39199466 Rorippa islandica 470  
Roisl.0026s0011.1.p PAC:39199462 Rorippa islandica 430  
Isati.2343s0019.1.p PAC:39363414 Isatis tinctoria 388  
Isati.2343s0018.1.p PAC:39363409 Isatis tinctoria 479  
Isati.4179s0006.1.p PAC:39270639 Isatis tinctoria 479  
Isati.9502s0002.1.p PAC:39271649 Isatis tinctoria 482  
Luann.0013s0280.1.p PAC:39375749 Lunaria annua 483  
Mamar.0027s0150.1.p PAC:39434995 Malcolmia maritima 479  
Lesat.0154s0085.1.p PAC:39462023 Lepidium sativum 483  
Thlar.0021s0464.1.p PAC:39524614 Thlaspi arvense 483  

3 Publications

First Author Title Year Journal Volume Pages PubMed ID