Protein Domain : IPR009983

Type:  Family Name:  Uncharacterised protein family UPF0358
Description:  This family consists of several hypothetical bacterial proteins of around 90 residues in length. The function of this family is unknown.; however they form alpha helical bundles and are thought to be involved in control of cell shape []. Short Name:  UPF0358

0 Child Features

0 Contains

4 Cross Referencess


0 Found In

0 GO Annotation

0 Ontology Annotations

0 Parent Features

125 Proteins

DB identifier UniProt Accession Secondary Identifier Organism Name Length
79357 D8QY26 PAC:15401380 Selaginella moellendorffii 262  
evm.model.supercontig_55.160 PAC:16422551 Carica papaya 544  
AT3G17490.1 Q9LUP8 PAC:19663185 Arabidopsis thaliana 388  
Thhalv10028949m V4KK92 PAC:20197900 Eutrema salsugineum 222  
Lus10014961 PAC:23152843 Linum usitatissimum 160  
Cre03.g187800.t1.2 A0A2K3DY79 PAC:30786770 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 265  
Traes_5BL_7F024627B.11 PAC:31863204 Triticum aestivum 130  
Traes_7AL_9C0D00E4A.1 PAC:31947777 Triticum aestivum 72  
Traes_7BL_D4F8A3025.1 PAC:31771260 Triticum aestivum 148  
Eucgr.F02546.1.p A0A059BTN8 PAC:32056481 Eucalyptus grandis 206  
Kalax.0105s0004.1.p PAC:32592772 Kalanchoe laxiflora 416  
Kalax.0258s0042.1.p PAC:32536909 Kalanchoe laxiflora 417  
Kalax.0447s0017.1.p PAC:32545806 Kalanchoe laxiflora 754  
Pp3c5_4490V3.3.p PAC:32953848 Physcomitrium patens 136  
Aco026706.1 PAC:33050337 Ananas comosus 654  
LOC_Os05g07680.1 PAC:33157759 Oryza sativa 624  
LOC_Os05g07680.2 PAC:33157760 Oryza sativa 624  
Zosma110g00110.1 A0A0K9Q3G6 PAC:33176636 Zostera marina 173  
Brdisv1Koz-11003627m.p PAC:33391229 Brachypodium distachyon Koz-1 692  
Brdisv1BdTR13a1003616m.p PAC:33568599 Brachypodium distachyon BdTR13a 692  
Brdisv1ABR6_r1003629m.p PAC:33677926 Brachypodium distachyon ABR6 741  
Brdisv1Bis-11003414m.p PAC:33783562 Brachypodium distachyon Bis-1 692  
Brdisv1Gaz-81027882m.p PAC:33827867 Brachypodium distachyon Gaz-8 720  
Brdisv1S8iiC1003531m.p PAC:33850264 Brachypodium distachyon S8iic 717  
Brdisv1Tek-21003276m.p PAC:33908183 Brachypodium distachyon Tek-2 627  
Brdisv1Kah-51003441m.p PAC:33954672 Brachypodium distachyon Kah-5 692  
Brdisv1Bd30-11003660m.p PAC:34045299 Brachypodium distachyon Bd30-1 732  
Brdisv1BdTR1i1003828m.p PAC:34078624 Brachypodium distachyon BdTR1i 692  
Brdisv1BdTR8i1003492m.p PAC:34218997 Brachypodium distachyon BdTR8i 627  
Brdisv1Bd1-11003358m.p PAC:34266925 Brachypodium distachyon Bd1-1 761  

1 Publications

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