Protein Domain : IPR013912

Type:  Domain Name:  Adenylate cyclase-associated CAP, C-terminal
Description:  Cyclase-associated proteins (CAPs) are highly conserved actin-binding proteins present in a wide range of organisms including yeast, fly, plants, and mammals. CAPs are multifunctional proteins that contain several structural domains. CAP is involved in species-specific signalling pathways [, , , ]. In Drosophila, CAP functions in Hedgehog-mediated eye development and in establishing oocyte polarity. In Dictyostelium (slim mold), CAP is involved in microfilament reorganisation near the plasma membrane in a PIP2-regulated manner and is required to perpetuate the cAMP relay signal to organise fruitbody formation. In plants, CAP is involved in plant signalling pathways required for co-ordinated organ expansion. In yeast, CAP is involved in adenylate cyclase activation, as well as in vesicle trafficking and endocytosis. In both yeast and mammals, CAPs appear to be involved in recycling G-actin monomers from ADF/cofilins for subsequent rounds of filament assembly [, ]. In mammals, there are two different CAPs (CAP1 and CAP2) that share 64% amino acid identity. All CAPs appear to contain a C-terminal actin-binding domain that regulates actin remodelling in response to cellular signals and is required for normal cellular morphology, cell division, growth and locomotion in eukaryotes. CAP directly regulates actin filament dynamics and has been implicated in a number of complex developmental and morphological processes, including mRNA localisation and the establishment of cell polarity. Actin exists both as globular (G) (monomeric) actin subunits and assembled into filamentous (F) actin. In cells, actin cycles between these two forms. Proteins that bind F-actin often regulate F-actin assembly and its interaction with other proteins, while proteins that interact with G-actin often control the availability of unpolymerised actin. CAPs bind G-actin. In addition to actin-binding, CAPs can have additional roles, and may act as bifunctional proteins. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae(Baker's yeast), CAP is a component of the adenylyl cyclase complex (Cyr1p) that serves as an effector of Ras during normal cell signalling. S. cerevisiae CAP functions to expose adenylate cyclase binding sites to Ras, thereby enabling adenylate cyclase to be activated by Ras regulatory signals. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe(Fission yeast), CAP is also required for adenylate cyclase activity, but not through the Ras pathway. In both organisms, the N-terminal domain is responsible for adenylate cyclase activation, but the S cerevisiae and S. pombe N-termini cannot complement one another. Yeast CAPs are unique among the CAP family of proteins, because they are the only ones to directly interact with and activate adenylate cyclase []. S. cerevisiae CAP has four major domains. In addition to the N-terminal adenylate cyclase-interacting domain, and the C-terminal actin-binding domain, it possesses two other domains: a proline-rich domain that interacts with Src homology 3 (SH3) domains of specific proteins, and a domain that is responsible for CAP oligomerisation to form multimeric complexes (although oligomerisation appears to involve the N- and C-terminal domains as well). The proline-rich domain interacts with profilin, a protein that catalyses nucleotide exchange on G-actin monomers and promotes addition to barbed ends of filamentous F-actin []. Since CAP can bind profilin via a proline-rich domain, and G-actin via a C-terminal domain, it has been suggested that a ternary G-actin/CAP/profilin complex could be formed.This entry represents the C-terminal domain of CAP proteins, which is responsible for G-actin-binding. This domain has a superhelical structure, where the superhelix turns are made of two beta-strands each []. Short Name:  Adenylate_cyclase-assoc_CAP_C

0 Child Features

1 Contains

DB identifier Type Name
IPR016098 Domain Cyclase-associated protein CAP/septum formation inhibitor MinC, C-terminal

2 Cross Referencess


1 Found In

DB identifier Type Name
IPR001837 Family Adenylate cyclase-associated CAP

2 GO Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0003779 IPR013912
GO:0007010 IPR013912

2 Ontology Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0003779 IPR013912
GO:0007010 IPR013912

1 Parent Features

DB identifier Type Name
IPR017901 Domain C-CAP/cofactor C-like domain

3256 Proteins

DB identifier UniProt Accession Secondary Identifier Organism Name Length
175612 D8RZC6 PAC:15421990 Selaginella moellendorffii 501  
439144 D8R2S0 PAC:15421673 Selaginella moellendorffii 599  
evm.model.supercontig_62.144 PAC:16423944 Carica papaya 436  
evm.model.supercontig_85.91 PAC:16427531 Carica papaya 569  
30190.m010893 B9RBE7 PAC:16823257 Ricinus communis 475  
29269.m000241 B9T266 PAC:16802576 Ricinus communis 572  
Cucsa.109650.1 A0A0A0LIP9 PAC:16959919 Cucumis sativus 478  
Cucsa.109650.2 PAC:16959920 Cucumis sativus 369  
Cucsa.240510.1 PAC:16970900 Cucumis sativus 458  
Cucsa.264000.1 PAC:16973257 Cucumis sativus 570  
orange1.1g016407m A0A067E1W9 PAC:18134471 Citrus sinensis 390  
AT4G34490.1 O65902 PAC:19649046 Arabidopsis thaliana 476  
AT4G39920.1 Q9SMR2 PAC:19645080 Arabidopsis thaliana 345  
AT3G57890.2 F4J4K6 PAC:19663414 Arabidopsis thaliana 609  
AT3G57890.1 Q940S9 PAC:19663415 Arabidopsis thaliana 573  
AT2G42230.2 Q66GP5 PAC:19640468 Arabidopsis thaliana 568  
AT2G42230.1 PAC:19640469 Arabidopsis thaliana 562  
Thhalv10025082m V4MBB4 PAC:20194496 Eutrema salsugineum 478  
Thhalv10016442m V4P0X8 PAC:20180260 Eutrema salsugineum 572  
Thhalv10005862m V4LWL2 PAC:20190625 Eutrema salsugineum 573  
Ciclev10028340m V4RPZ5 PAC:20813309 Citrus clementina 479  
Ciclev10031101m V4VD33 PAC:20804479 Citrus clementina 568  
Lus10023575 PAC:23160484 Linum usitatissimum 467  
Lus10042324 PAC:23153717 Linum usitatissimum 916  
Lus10021031 PAC:23182394 Linum usitatissimum 737  
Lus10023821 PAC:23160734 Linum usitatissimum 577  
Lus10040460 PAC:23174204 Linum usitatissimum 469  
Lus10026338 PAC:23156541 Linum usitatissimum 772  
Lus10012025 PAC:23161487 Linum usitatissimum 565  
Lus10016279 PAC:23142670 Linum usitatissimum 541  

8 Publications

First Author Title Year Journal Volume Pages PubMed ID