Protein Domain : IPR010851

Type:  Family Name:  S locus-related glycoprotein 1 binding pollen coat protein
Description:  This entry consists of a number of cysteine rich SLR1 binding pollen coat like proteins. Adhesion of pollen grains to the stigmatic surface is a critical step during sexual reproduction in plants. In Brassica, S locus-related glycoprotein 1 (SLR1), a stigma-specific protein belonging to the S gene family of proteins, has been shown to be involved in this step. SLR1-BP specifically binds SLR1 with high affinity. The SLR1-BP gene is specifically expressed in pollen at late stages of development and is a member of the class A pollen coat protein (PCP) family, which includes PCP-A1, an SLG (S locus glycoprotein)-binding protein [].This entry also includes defensin-like proteins. The function of these proteins is uncharacterised. Short Name:  SLR1_pollen-bd

0 Child Features

0 Contains

1 Cross References


0 Found In

0 GO Annotation

0 Ontology Annotations

0 Parent Features

3256 Proteins

DB identifier UniProt Accession Secondary Identifier Organism Name Length
evm.TU.contig_31645.1 PAC:16430011 Carica papaya 73  
27574.m000223 B9SYV0 PAC:16798735 Ricinus communis 78  
28492.m000464 B9SV10 PAC:16800944 Ricinus communis 73  
orange1.1g043155m A0A067D5B2 PAC:18139249 Citrus sinensis 131  
AT3G61182.1 P82768 PAC:19661873 Arabidopsis thaliana 76  
AT3G61175.1 P82766 PAC:19661076 Arabidopsis thaliana 77  
AT3G61177.1 P82767 PAC:19662999 Arabidopsis thaliana 75  
AT3G61172.1 P82723 PAC:19660808 Arabidopsis thaliana 74  
AT4G09984.1 P82749 PAC:19647682 Arabidopsis thaliana 85  
AT4G09795.1 P82728 PAC:19646171 Arabidopsis thaliana 77  
AT4G09647.1 Q2V3K1 PAC:19648895 Arabidopsis thaliana 81  
AT4G09153.1 P82751 PAC:19647834 Arabidopsis thaliana 76  
AT4G11760.1 Q9T0E3 PAC:19645387 Arabidopsis thaliana 96  
AT4G11485.1 P82726 PAC:19645770 Arabidopsis thaliana 102  
AT4G10603.1 Q2V3K0 PAC:19643954 Arabidopsis thaliana 87  
AT4G10595.1 P82717 PAC:19648600 Arabidopsis thaliana 89  
AT4G13095.1 P82752 PAC:19648215 Arabidopsis thaliana 77  
AT4G19905.1 P82753 PAC:19645896 Arabidopsis thaliana 76  
AT4G19035.1 P82722 PAC:19647836 Arabidopsis thaliana 84  
AT4G19038.1 P82730 PAC:19648114 Arabidopsis thaliana 84  
AT4G29273.1 P82737 PAC:19646207 Arabidopsis thaliana 77  
AT4G29280.1 Q9M0F3 PAC:19643900 Arabidopsis thaliana 77  
AT4G29283.1 P82735 PAC:19646931 Arabidopsis thaliana 82  
AT4G29285.1 Q8LFM0 PAC:19648382 Arabidopsis thaliana 76  
AT4G29290.1 Q9M0F2 PAC:19647643 Arabidopsis thaliana 77  
AT4G29300.1 Q9M0F1 PAC:19648748 Arabidopsis thaliana 77  
AT4G29305.1 P82739 PAC:19648608 Arabidopsis thaliana 77  
AT5G42797.1 P82743 PAC:19666259 Arabidopsis thaliana 81  
AT5G47175.1 P82718 PAC:19671497 Arabidopsis thaliana 78  
AT5G47075.1 P82734 PAC:19672666 Arabidopsis thaliana 75  

1 Publications

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