Protein Family : Serine/threonine protein kinase 124254984

Method ID:  5268 Method Name:  Malvidae
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  6

6 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
29912.t000162 (1 of 2) PTHR27000//PTHR27000:SF155 - FAMILY NOT NAMED // LEUCINE-RICH REPEAT RECEPTOR-LIKE PROTEIN KINASE-RELATED R. communis v0.1 3119   29912: 1013319-1016437
Ciclev10014554m.g (1 of 1) KOG0200 - Fibroblast/platelet-derived growth factor receptor and related receptor tyrosine kinases C. clementina v1.0 2555   scaffold_2: 7554970-7557524
Lus10038382.g (1 of 3) PTHR27000:SF121 - LEUCINE-RICH REPEAT RECEPTOR-LIKE SERINE/THREONINE-PROTEIN KINASE BAM3 L. usitatissimum v1.0 2578   scaffold28: 1016917-1019494
Thecc1EG018496 (1 of 6) PF00069//PF13855 - Protein kinase domain (Pkinase) // Leucine rich repeat (LRR_8) T. cacao v1.1 10147   scaffold_4: 15578019-15588165
SapurV1A.2554s0040 (1 of 4) PTHR27000//PTHR27000:SF219 - FAMILY NOT NAMED // RECEPTOR-LIKE PROTEIN KINASE HSL1 S. purpurea v1.0 2379   Scaffold2554: 21623-24001
Manes.04G099200 (1 of 2) KOG0472//KOG0617 - Leucine-rich repeat protein // Ras suppressor protein (contains leucine-rich repeats) M. esculenta v6.1 4455   Chromosome04: 23510174-23514628

6 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
Ciclev10014554m C. clementina v1.0 124254984 Serine/threonine protein kinase 1 5268 Malvidae
Lus10038382 L. usitatissimum v1.0 124254984 Serine/threonine protein kinase 1 5268 Malvidae
29912.m005436 R. communis v0.1 124254984 Serine/threonine protein kinase 1 5268 Malvidae
Thecc1EG018496t1 T. cacao v1.1 124254984 Serine/threonine protein kinase 1 5268 Malvidae
SapurV1A.2554s0040.1.p S. purpurea v1.0 124254984 Serine/threonine protein kinase 1 5268 Malvidae
Manes.04G099200.1.p M. esculenta v6.1 124254984 Serine/threonine protein kinase 1 5268 Malvidae