Protein Family : anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 124238531

Method ID:  5268 Method Name:  Malvidae
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  21

21 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
27504.t000022 (1 of 1) PTHR11922:SF1 - ANTHRANILATE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE-RELATED R. communis v0.1 4455   27504: 156260-160714
orange1.1g007779m.g (1 of 1) PTHR11922:SF1 - ANTHRANILATE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE-RELATED C. sinensis v1.1 3925   scaffold00003: 1391560-1395484
AT1G70570 (1 of 1) - Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase / Phosphoribosyl-anthranilate pyrophosphorylase // Anthranilate synthase A. thaliana TAIR10 3685   Chr1: 26608625-26612309
Thhalv10018314m.g (1 of 1) - Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase / Phosphoribosyl-anthranilate pyrophosphorylase E. salsugineum v1.0 3532   scaffold_9: 4379004-4382535
Ciclev10030909m.g (1 of 1) PTHR11922:SF1 - ANTHRANILATE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE-RELATED C. clementina v1.0 3964   scaffold_4: 22253189-22257152
Lus10006201.g (1 of 4) - Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase / Phosphoribosyl-anthranilate pyrophosphorylase L. usitatissimum v1.0 2683   scaffold1140: 11202-13884
Lus10036848.g (1 of 4) - Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase / Phosphoribosyl-anthranilate pyrophosphorylase L. usitatissimum v1.0 2683   scaffold31: 929592-932274
Gorai.012G172600 (1 of 2) - Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase / Phosphoribosyl-anthranilate pyrophosphorylase G. raimondii v2.1 5440   Chr12: 34252141-34257580
Gorai.005G179700 (1 of 2) PTHR11922:SF1 - ANTHRANILATE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE-RELATED G. raimondii v2.1 4762   Chr05: 52653558-52658319
Thecc1EG010477 (1 of 1) - Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase / Phosphoribosyl-anthranilate pyrophosphorylase // Anthranilate synthase T. cacao v1.1 4834   scaffold_2: 33738420-33743253
Araha.13428s0009 (1 of 1) PTHR11922:SF1 - ANTHRANILATE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE-RELATED A. halleri v1.1 7359   Scaffold13428: 38569-45927
Cagra.1777s0013 (1 of 1) PTHR11922:SF1 - ANTHRANILATE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE-RELATED C. grandiflora v1.1 3633   Scaffold1777: 56147-59779
Brara.B01920 (1 of 1) PTHR11922:SF1 - ANTHRANILATE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE-RELATED B. rapa FPsc v1.3 3823   A02: 11724731-11728553
Bostr.10273s0299 (1 of 1) - Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase / Phosphoribosyl-anthranilate pyrophosphorylase B. stricta v1.2 3627   Scaffold10273: 1666950-1670576
SapurV1A.0317s0380 (1 of 1) PTHR11922:SF1 - ANTHRANILATE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE-RELATED S. purpurea v1.0 12309   chr10: 2058322-2070630
Manes.12G024300 (1 of 2) PTHR11922:SF1 - ANTHRANILATE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE-RELATED M. esculenta v6.1 4852   Chromosome12: 1805883-1810734
Manes.13G025800 (1 of 2) PTHR11922:SF1 - ANTHRANILATE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE-RELATED M. esculenta v6.1 4806   Chromosome13: 2403260-2408065
AL2G29960 (1 of 1) - Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase / Phosphoribosyl-anthranilate pyrophosphorylase // Anthranilate synthase A. lyrata v2.1 3647   scaffold_2: 14504417-14508063
Potri.010G044900 (1 of 1) PTHR11922:SF1 - ANTHRANILATE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE-RELATED P. trichocarpa v3.1 7576   Chr10: 7580772-7588347
Podel.10G038500 (1 of 1) PTHR11922:SF1 - ANTHRANILATE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE-RELATED P. deltoides WV94 v2.1 7572   Chr10: 6279079-6286650
Carub.0002s1729 (1 of 1) PTHR11922:SF1 - ANTHRANILATE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE-RELATED C. rubella v1.1 3587   scaffold_2: 10075415-10079001

21 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
Lus10036848 L. usitatissimum v1.0 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 2 5268 Malvidae
Gorai.012G172600.1 G. raimondii v2.1 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 2 5268 Malvidae
SapurV1A.0317s0380.1.p S. purpurea v1.0 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 1 5268 Malvidae
Manes.13G025800.1.p M. esculenta v6.1 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 2 5268 Malvidae
Manes.12G024300.1.p M. esculenta v6.1 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 2 5268 Malvidae
27504.m000630 R. communis v0.1 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 1 5268 Malvidae
orange1.1g007779m C. sinensis v1.1 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 1 5268 Malvidae
AT1G70570.2 A. thaliana TAIR10 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 1 5268 Malvidae
Thhalv10018314m E. salsugineum v1.0 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 1 5268 Malvidae
Ciclev10030909m C. clementina v1.0 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 1 5268 Malvidae
Lus10006201 L. usitatissimum v1.0 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 2 5268 Malvidae
Gorai.005G179700.1 G. raimondii v2.1 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 2 5268 Malvidae
Thecc1EG010477t1 T. cacao v1.1 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 1 5268 Malvidae
Araha.13428s0009.1.p A. halleri v1.1 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 1 5268 Malvidae
Cagra.1777s0013.1.p C. grandiflora v1.1 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 1 5268 Malvidae
Brara.B01920.1.p B. rapa FPsc v1.3 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 1 5268 Malvidae
Bostr.10273s0299.1.p B. stricta v1.2 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 1 5268 Malvidae
AL2G29960.t1 A. lyrata v2.1 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 1 5268 Malvidae
Potri.010G044900.2.p P. trichocarpa v3.1 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 1 5268 Malvidae
Podel.10G038500.1.p P. deltoides WV94 v2.1 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 1 5268 Malvidae
Carub.0002s1729.1.p C. rubella v1.1 124238531 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, putative 1 5268 Malvidae