Protein Family : - Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase / Glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase 124196648

Method ID:  5268 Method Name:  Malvidae
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  7

7 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
Lus10025491.g (1 of 28) PTHR24420//PTHR24420:SF441 - LEUCINE-RICH REPEAT RECEPTOR-LIKE PROTEIN KINASE // SUBFAMILY NOT NAMED L. usitatissimum v1.0 2573   scaffold145: 19450-22022
SapurV1A.1684s0010 (1 of 133) PF13947 - Wall-associated receptor kinase galacturonan-binding (GUB_WAK_bind) S. purpurea v1.0 2154   Scaffold1684: 18646-20799
SapurV1A.1407s0040 (1 of 1774) - Non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase / Threonine-specific protein kinase S. purpurea v1.0 1489   Scaffold1407: 60264-61752
SapurV1A.2403s0020 receptor Serine/Threonine kinase, putative S. purpurea v1.0 4692   Scaffold2403: 16938-21629
SapurV1A.4544s0010 (1 of 133) PF13947 - Wall-associated receptor kinase galacturonan-binding (GUB_WAK_bind) S. purpurea v1.0 5835   Scaffold4544: 536-6370
Manes.04G044900 (1 of 47) - Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase / Glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase M. esculenta v6.1 2076   Chromosome04: 6232796-6234871
Podel.07G136500 (1 of 83) - Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase / Glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase P. deltoides WV94 v2.1 2437   Chr07: 14727481-14729917

7 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
SapurV1A.2403s0020.1.p S. purpurea v1.0 124196648 - Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase / Glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase 4 5268 Malvidae
Podel.07G136500.1.p P. deltoides WV94 v2.1 124196648 - Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase / Glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase 1 5268 Malvidae
Lus10025491 L. usitatissimum v1.0 124196648 - Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase / Glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase 1 5268 Malvidae
SapurV1A.1407s0040.1.p S. purpurea v1.0 124196648 - Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase / Glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase 4 5268 Malvidae
SapurV1A.1684s0010.1.p S. purpurea v1.0 124196648 - Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase / Glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase 4 5268 Malvidae
SapurV1A.4544s0010.1.p S. purpurea v1.0 124196648 - Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase / Glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase 4 5268 Malvidae
Manes.04G044900.1.p M. esculenta v6.1 124196648 - Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase / Glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase 1 5268 Malvidae