Protein Family : Cytochrome P450 CYP2 subfamily 122449542

Method ID:  5262 Method Name:  Malpighiales
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  2

2 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
30190.t000304 (1 of 2) - Geraniol 8-hydroxylase / G10H R. communis v0.1 1313   30190: 1670068-1671380
Manes.02G028600 (1 of 2) - Geraniol 8-hydroxylase / G10H M. esculenta v6.1 1724   Chromosome02: 2198500-2200223

2 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
30190.m011068 R. communis v0.1 122449542 Cytochrome P450 CYP2 subfamily 1 5262 Malpighiales
Manes.02G028600.1.p M. esculenta v6.1 122449542 Cytochrome P450 CYP2 subfamily 1 5262 Malpighiales