Protein Family : ROTUNDIFOLIA like 6 122374962

Method ID:  5261 Method Name:  Brassicaceae
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  7

7 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
AT4G35783 (1 of 23) PF08137 - DVL family (DVL) A. thaliana TAIR10 RTFL6 395   Chr4: 16952406-16952800
Araha.12053s0010 (1 of 21) PF08137 - DVL family (DVL) A. halleri v1.1 412   Scaffold12053: 47410-47821
Cagra.2236s0036 (1 of 21) PF08137 - DVL family (DVL) C. grandiflora v1.1 189   Scaffold2236: 134899-135087
Brara.A00267 (1 of 44) PF08137 - DVL family (DVL) B. rapa FPsc v1.3 189   A01: 1436866-1437054
Bostr.7867s1442 (1 of 21) PF08137 - DVL family (DVL) B. stricta v1.2 186   Scaffold7867: 7246576-7246761
AL7G15310 (1 of 16) PF08137 - DVL family (DVL) A. lyrata v2.1 464   scaffold_7: 2189433-2189896
Carub.0007s0446 (1 of 24) PF08137 - DVL family (DVL) C. rubella v1.1 362   scaffold_7: 1694533-1694894

7 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
Cagra.2236s0036.1.p C. grandiflora v1.1 122374962 ROTUNDIFOLIA like 6 1 5261 Brassicaceae
Carub.0007s0446.1.p C. rubella v1.1 122374962 ROTUNDIFOLIA like 6 1 5261 Brassicaceae
AT4G35783.1 A. thaliana TAIR10 122374962 ROTUNDIFOLIA like 6 1 5261 Brassicaceae
Araha.12053s0010.1.p A. halleri v1.1 122374962 ROTUNDIFOLIA like 6 1 5261 Brassicaceae
Brara.A00267.1.p B. rapa FPsc v1.3 122374962 ROTUNDIFOLIA like 6 1 5261 Brassicaceae
Bostr.7867s1442.1.p B. stricta v1.2 122374962 ROTUNDIFOLIA like 6 1 5261 Brassicaceae
AL7G15310.t1 A. lyrata v2.1 122374962 ROTUNDIFOLIA like 6 1 5261 Brassicaceae