Protein Family : Permease of the major facilitator superfamily 124112568

Method ID:  5260 Method Name:  Chlorophyte
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  11

11 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
estExt_fgenesh1_pm.C_60026 (1 of 1) PTHR11662//PTHR11662:SF312 - SODIUM-DEPENDENT PHOSPHATE TRANSPORTERS C. subellipsoidea C-169 v2.0 3981   scaffold_6: 421681-425661
e_gw1.19.141.1 (1 of 2) PTHR11662:SF226 - FI19708P1 C. subellipsoidea C-169 v2.0 2318   scaffold_19: 1022703-1025020
MicpuC2.fgenesh1_pm.C_scaffold_10000042 (1 of 2) - Phosphate-transporting ATPase / ABC phosphate transporter M. pusilla CCMP1545 v3.0 1233   scaffold_10: 718403-719635
fgenesh2_pm.C_Chr_12000048 (1 of 2) - Phosphate-transporting ATPase / ABC phosphate transporter M. sp RCC299 v3.0 1197   Chr_12: 373530-374726
gwEuk.11.172.1 (1 of 3) PTHR11662:SF226 - FI19708P1 O. lucimarinus v2.0 1287   Chr_11: 422966-424252
Cre03.g187050 (1 of 1) K12303 - MFS transporter, ACS family, solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 9 (SLC17A9) C. reinhardtii v5.6 PHT3 4012   chromosome_3: 5620428-5624439
Cre08.g379550 (1 of 3) - Phosphate-transporting ATPase / ABC phosphate transporter C. reinhardtii v5.6 PHT4 5815   chromosome_8: 4086056-4091870
Cz01g44020 (1 of 1) K12303 - MFS transporter, ACS family, solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 9 (SLC17A9) C. zofingiensis v5.2.3.2 2150   chr01: 4410153-4412302
Cz12g09150 (1 of 3) PTHR11662:SF223 - SODIUM-DEPENDENT PHOSPHATE TRANSPORT PROTEIN 1, CHLOROPLASTIC C. zofingiensis v5.2.3.2 3555   chr12: 962471-966025
Vocar.0011s0157 (1 of 2) PTHR11662:SF226 - FI19708P1 V. carteri v2.1 4684   scaffold_11: 1183955-1188638
Vocar.0042s0002 (1 of 3) PTHR11662:SF223 - SODIUM-DEPENDENT PHOSPHATE TRANSPORT PROTEIN 1, CHLOROPLASTIC V. carteri v2.1 9405   scaffold_42: 25480-34884

11 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
44722 M. pusilla CCMP1545 v3.0 124112568 Permease of the major facilitator superfamily 1 5260 Chlorophyte
19750 C. subellipsoidea C-169 v2.0 124112568 Permease of the major facilitator superfamily 2 5260 Chlorophyte
53153 C. subellipsoidea C-169 v2.0 124112568 Permease of the major facilitator superfamily 2 5260 Chlorophyte
2927 O. lucimarinus v2.0 124112568 Permease of the major facilitator superfamily 1 5260 Chlorophyte
Cre08.g379550.t1.1 C. reinhardtii v5.6 124112568 Permease of the major facilitator superfamily 2 5260 Chlorophyte
Cre03.g187050.t1.2 C. reinhardtii v5.6 124112568 Permease of the major facilitator superfamily 2 5260 Chlorophyte
Vocar.0011s0157.1.p V. carteri v2.1 124112568 Permease of the major facilitator superfamily 2 5260 Chlorophyte
Cz01g44020.t1 C. zofingiensis v5.2.3.2 124112568 Permease of the major facilitator superfamily 2 5260 Chlorophyte
Cz12g09150.t1 C. zofingiensis v5.2.3.2 124112568 Permease of the major facilitator superfamily 2 5260 Chlorophyte
98168 M. sp RCC299 v3.0 124112568 Permease of the major facilitator superfamily 1 5260 Chlorophyte
Vocar.0042s0002.1.p V. carteri v2.1 124112568 Permease of the major facilitator superfamily 2 5260 Chlorophyte