Protein Family : tRNA cytosine-5-methylases and related enzymes of the NOL1/NOP2/sun superfamily 124112951

Method ID:  5260 Method Name:  Chlorophyte
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  8

8 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
e_gw1.7.203.1 (1 of 1) PTHR22808 - NCL1 YEAST -RELATED NOL1/NOP2/FMU SUN DOMAIN-CONTAINING C. subellipsoidea C-169 v2.0 3948   scaffold_7: 2334241-2338188
fgenesh1_pm_7_num_117 (1 of 4) PTHR22808 - NCL1 YEAST -RELATED NOL1/NOP2/FMU SUN DOMAIN-CONTAINING M. pusilla CCMP1545 v3.0 2614   scaffold_7: 486674-489287
MicpuC2.e_gw1.4.124.1 (1 of 4) PTHR22808 - NCL1 YEAST -RELATED NOL1/NOP2/FMU SUN DOMAIN-CONTAINING M. pusilla CCMP1545 v3.0 1419   scaffold_4: 687380-688798
gw2.13.92.1 (1 of 4) PTHR22808 - NCL1 YEAST -RELATED NOL1/NOP2/FMU SUN DOMAIN-CONTAINING M. sp RCC299 v3.0 1299   Chr_13: 462616-463914
e_gw2.02.83.1 (1 of 4) PTHR22808 - NCL1 YEAST -RELATED NOL1/NOP2/FMU SUN DOMAIN-CONTAINING M. sp RCC299 v3.0 1470   Chr_02: 1445974-1447443
fgenesh1_pg.C_Chr_20000162 (1 of 5) PTHR22808 - NCL1 YEAST -RELATED NOL1/NOP2/FMU SUN DOMAIN-CONTAINING O. lucimarinus v2.0 1724   Chr_20: 374180-375903
eugene.0400010083 (1 of 5) PTHR22808 - NCL1 YEAST -RELATED NOL1/NOP2/FMU SUN DOMAIN-CONTAINING O. lucimarinus v2.0 1968   Chr_4: 143842-145809
Cz02g20190 (1 of 3) - 16S rRNA (cytosine(967)-C(5))-methyltransferase C. zofingiensis v5.2.3.2 2706   chr02: 2072636-2075341

8 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
205317 M. pusilla CCMP1545 v3.0 124112951 tRNA cytosine-5-methylases and related enzymes of the NOL1/NOP2/sun superfamily 2 5260 Chlorophyte
15736 M. pusilla CCMP1545 v3.0 124112951 tRNA cytosine-5-methylases and related enzymes of the NOL1/NOP2/sun superfamily 2 5260 Chlorophyte
15359 C. subellipsoidea C-169 v2.0 124112951 tRNA cytosine-5-methylases and related enzymes of the NOL1/NOP2/sun superfamily 1 5260 Chlorophyte
79216 M. sp RCC299 v3.0 124112951 tRNA cytosine-5-methylases and related enzymes of the NOL1/NOP2/sun superfamily 2 5260 Chlorophyte
66831 M. sp RCC299 v3.0 124112951 tRNA cytosine-5-methylases and related enzymes of the NOL1/NOP2/sun superfamily 2 5260 Chlorophyte
31007 O. lucimarinus v2.0 124112951 tRNA cytosine-5-methylases and related enzymes of the NOL1/NOP2/sun superfamily 2 5260 Chlorophyte
19070 O. lucimarinus v2.0 124112951 tRNA cytosine-5-methylases and related enzymes of the NOL1/NOP2/sun superfamily 2 5260 Chlorophyte
Cz02g20190.t1 C. zofingiensis v5.2.3.2 124112951 tRNA cytosine-5-methylases and related enzymes of the NOL1/NOP2/sun superfamily 1 5260 Chlorophyte