Protein Family : Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase 124109791

Method ID:  5260 Method Name:  Chlorophyte
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  9

9 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
e_gw1.3.482.1 (1 of 1) - Nucleoside-triphosphate diphosphatase / Nucleoside-triphosphate pyrophosphatase C. subellipsoidea C-169 v2.0 1500   scaffold_3: 465698-467197
MicpuC2.EuGene.0000130019 (1 of 3) - Nucleoside-triphosphate diphosphatase / Nucleoside-triphosphate pyrophosphatase M. pusilla CCMP1545 v3.0 828   scaffold_13: 43474-44301
EuGene.1000010053 (1 of 3) - Nucleoside-triphosphate diphosphatase / Nucleoside-triphosphate pyrophosphatase M. sp RCC299 v3.0 591   Chr_10: 125967-126557
fgenesh1_pm.C_Chr_1000104 (1 of 3) - Nucleoside-triphosphate diphosphatase / Nucleoside-triphosphate pyrophosphatase O. lucimarinus v2.0 561   Chr_1: 1075081-1075641
Cre13.g568950 (1 of 2) - Nucleoside-triphosphate diphosphatase / Nucleoside-triphosphate pyrophosphatase C. reinhardtii v5.6 2567   chromosome_13: 1076709-1079275
Cre02.g095089 (1 of 2) - Nucleoside-triphosphate diphosphatase / Nucleoside-triphosphate pyrophosphatase C. reinhardtii v5.6 4046   chromosome_2: 3318739-3322784
Cz14g00260 (1 of 1) K01519 - inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase (ITPA) C. zofingiensis v5.2.3.2 999   chr14: 87063-88061
Cz14g00250 (1 of 2) - Nucleoside-triphosphate diphosphatase / Nucleoside-triphosphate pyrophosphatase C. zofingiensis v5.2.3.2 882   chr14: 86031-86912
Vocar.0027s0182 (1 of 1) - Nucleoside-triphosphate diphosphatase / Nucleoside-triphosphate pyrophosphatase V. carteri v2.1 7951   scaffold_27: 1685976-1693926

9 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
52462 M. pusilla CCMP1545 v3.0 124109791 Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase 1 5260 Chlorophyte
61716 M. sp RCC299 v3.0 124109791 Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase 1 5260 Chlorophyte
12168 O. lucimarinus v2.0 124109791 Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase 1 5260 Chlorophyte
Cre13.g568950.t1.1 C. reinhardtii v5.6 124109791 Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase 2 5260 Chlorophyte
Cz14g00250.t1 C. zofingiensis v5.2.3.2 124109791 Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase 2 5260 Chlorophyte
12647 C. subellipsoidea C-169 v2.0 124109791 Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase 1 5260 Chlorophyte
Cre02.g095089.t1.1 C. reinhardtii v5.6 124109791 Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase 2 5260 Chlorophyte
Cz14g00260.t1 C. zofingiensis v5.2.3.2 124109791 Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase 2 5260 Chlorophyte
Vocar.0027s0182.1.p V. carteri v2.1 124109791 Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase 1 5260 Chlorophyte