Protein Family : PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) 124086082

Method ID:  5260 Method Name:  Chlorophyte
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  12

12 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
Cre17.g710300 (1 of 70) PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) C. reinhardtii v5.6 PHC31 3727   chromosome_17: 1905236-1908962
Cre03.g192201 (1 of 70) PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) C. reinhardtii v5.6 PHC51 5196   chromosome_3: 6167505-6172700
Cre09.g388353 (1 of 70) PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) C. reinhardtii v5.6 PHC34 3208   chromosome_9: 2901591-2904798
Cre09.g388355 (1 of 70) PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) C. reinhardtii v5.6 PHC33 3876   chromosome_9: 2905893-2909768
Cre09.g388351 (1 of 70) PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) C. reinhardtii v5.6 PHC32 2664   chromosome_9: 2893511-2896174
Vocar.0021s0055 (1 of 96) PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) V. carteri v2.1 4315   scaffold_21: 881346-885660
Vocar.0033s0126 (1 of 96) PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) V. carteri v2.1 11170   scaffold_33: 969658-980827
Vocar.0033s0128 (1 of 96) PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) V. carteri v2.1 2459   scaffold_33: 1001204-1003662
Vocar.0033s0185 (1 of 96) PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) V. carteri v2.1 3661   scaffold_33: 1463693-1467353
Vocar.0034s0002 (1 of 96) PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) V. carteri v2.1 3282   scaffold_34: 8519-11800
Vocar.0033s0180 (1 of 96) PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) V. carteri v2.1 2600   scaffold_33: 1439273-1441872
Vocar.0033s0181 (1 of 96) PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) V. carteri v2.1 2709   scaffold_33: 1444359-1447067

12 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
Cre09.g388353.t1.1 C. reinhardtii v5.6 124086082 PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) 5 5260 Chlorophyte
Cre09.g388351.t1.1 C. reinhardtii v5.6 124086082 PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) 5 5260 Chlorophyte
Cre09.g388355.t1.1 C. reinhardtii v5.6 124086082 PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) 5 5260 Chlorophyte
Vocar.0033s0181.1.p V. carteri v2.1 124086082 PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) 7 5260 Chlorophyte
Vocar.0033s0185.1.p V. carteri v2.1 124086082 PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) 7 5260 Chlorophyte
Vocar.0033s0128.1.p V. carteri v2.1 124086082 PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) 7 5260 Chlorophyte
Vocar.0033s0180.1.p V. carteri v2.1 124086082 PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) 7 5260 Chlorophyte
Vocar.0033s0126.1.p V. carteri v2.1 124086082 PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) 7 5260 Chlorophyte
Vocar.0034s0002.1.p V. carteri v2.1 124086082 PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) 7 5260 Chlorophyte
Cre03.g192201.t1.1 C. reinhardtii v5.6 124086082 PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) 5 5260 Chlorophyte
Cre17.g710300.t1.1 C. reinhardtii v5.6 124086082 PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) 5 5260 Chlorophyte
Vocar.0021s0055.1.p V. carteri v2.1 124086082 PF12499 - Pherophorin (DUF3707) 7 5260 Chlorophyte